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Why is it so important to have a B1 level of English in employment matters?

Entering the world of work implies a challenge for candidates from different areas and economic sectors who apply their resume to be part of a work team. However, today, knowledge of a second language is essential for those seeking a better opportunity, since thanks to the growing globalization and international expansion of markets, English from level B1 onwards has positioned itself as one of the skills most in demand by companies and organizations around the world. English B1 is the first level of the intermediate range of this language. 

Why is it so important to have a B1 level of English in employment matters

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Mónica Celis AriasAcademic Coordinator of Academic Consultants for Pearson Colombia and Ecuador, comments:

“As English is the most widely used foreign language internationally, a B1 certificate means that the person who carries it has the minimum necessary to study or work abroad, or interact with English-speakers, which, without a doubt, opens many doors. and opportunities in life.

It is worth highlighting some of the additional advantages that people who manage to certify their level of English as B1 have:

– Have access to more and better jobs in the country of origin.

– Open job opportunities abroad.

– Access academic exchange programs. 

– Study an international degree or postgraduate degree.

– Take online courses or training in the English language. 

Although the ideal is for a person, whose native language is not English, to have a level at 18 years of age, in Latin America most English language teaching programs in schools and public and private schools do not they are either intensive enough or not sufficiently standardized that students aged 18 and over can already pass a B1 level certification exam in English. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare to certify the level of a second language a couple of years before starting university studies or entering the labor market. 

One of the companies that makes applications of this type is Pearson, a company that provides an educational evaluation and publication service, which applies the Pearson English International Certificate test, which is accepted by universities, ministries of education and employers around the world.

Tips & Tricks

Why is it important to know a second language at work?

When applying your resume to a certain vacancy, the curriculum is usually reviewed and structured to make it much more attractive to the human resources department. It is often thought that meeting the experience requirements demanded by a company is enough to become part of a work team in a certain area.

Why is it important to know a second language at work

However, currently, many vacancies for technicians and professionals require a second languageto, if hired, be able to exercise the position. That is where the question arises abouthow important it is to know a language other than Spanishto be part of a company that provides guarantees and job stability.

Constantly, the vacancies that offer attractive salaries for an applicant are those that require an advanced level or total command of the language required (English, Portuguese, German, among others) and many times without having the respective certification the applications are made. If selected, there may be shortcomings in the interview that prevent hiring and employment relationship.

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According to Page Group, a specialized recruitment company for professionals worldwide, “taking into account the demands of a more globalized world, which implies greater international mobility of positions between countries, a growing contact with people from different places simultaneously and frequent displacements from the local to the regional, the mastery of the second language increases its importance exponentially for professional competitiveness. , the increase of opportunities in the labor field and the approach to more global perspectives”.

In Colombia, the languages that companies most demand to hire an applicant are English and Portuguese. “English continues to be the second language par excellence within Colombian professionals, since even in the world it is considered as the official global language and is transversal to most countries, it is a standard language. Also, Portuguese is another language that has been gaining great relevance in Latin America, especially because Brazil represents a very important market for the region. The mastery of this language becomes a plus for professionals on the continent.”

For her part, María Reina, Expert in Innovation and Human Talent Management, affirms that “today all companies require English and it is not just a plus. You have to know how to write it and speak it. There is also something important and that is that you should not lie in the middle of an interview; If there is no mastery of a second language, you have to sayit and if it is necessary to train to be part of the company to which you want to link”.

Based on the above and added to technical and soft skills, in the midst of the reactivation that has been taking place at the national level, organizations will seek hybrid talents, with the aim of forming a competitive team for the performance of the functions of the position to which the person is linked.

Tips & Tricks

Why is exercise so important for mental health?

With the aim of raising awareness about mental health problems around the world, World Mental Health Day (DMH) is celebrated every October 10, a date promoted by the World Federation for Mental Health and the World Mental Health Organization. Health (WHO). And it is that according to this last organism, one in eight people in the world suffers from a mental disorder, with anxiety and depressive disorders being the most common.

Why is exercise so important for mental health

But the pandemic caused by covid-19 arrived and the percentage of patients increased. The WHO points out that, in 2020, anxiety and depressive disorders grew by 26 and 28 percent respectively. Now, these figures become alarming, considering that many of these people fail to obtain effective medical care.

In line with the above, there are several experts and studies that ensure that sport does affect people’s mental health, since there are some hormones that the body activates when exercising. For example, serotonin allows you to fall asleep better and regulate your appetite, dopamine produces a feeling of pleasure and the desire to continue with physical activity, and endorphins cause happiness and work as a natural pain reliever by reducing anxiety and stress. Moreover, some of these sensations are not only experienced when running, cycling, swimming or lifting weights, but also after finishing the training.

“Sports not only help treat anxiety and depression, but also reduce stress levels and make people feel satisfied and happy. When a person performs a certain physical activity, according to their taste, the brain receives more oxygenation, that is why both at home and at work, it is essential to exercise, take active breaks with accessories for this purpose or practice yoga”, explains Juan David González, director of Sportfitness.

There is a sport for each type of person

It is true that not all sports were created for all kinds of people, but that is not an excuse to find the one that best suits the conditions of those who are going to do it. With some you can increase physical resistance and mobility, with others strength and muscle mass, the key is knowing how to adapt to a good routine and use the right elements.

Sportfitness is aware of this, a company that offers a portfolio of sporting goods and has managed to establish itself as the number one implementation and equipment brand for physical activity in its industry.

“Sportfitness has the purpose of generating well-being and democratizing access to sports with fair prices and quality products. It is a brand that sells articles for all types of physical activity and has distributors nationwide, in addition to its own online store”, González continues.

Sportfitness products are made for physical activities at different levels of training, that is, for home, business and professionals. For example, to perform cardio exercises, those that reduce the risk of suffering from diseases such as diabetes or hypertension, it offers its customers a treadmill, treadmill, spinning bikes, stationary bikes, elliptical trainers and stair climbers.

“To the elements that we have to perform cardio, we add those that are made for functional exercises, those that improve balance, agility, correct posture and strengthen muscle mass. For this, it is possible to use mats, jump ropes, trampolines and balls”, says González.

Finally, the brand is also committed to creating a community on social networks, which is why it publishes exercise routines and healthy tips on its platforms.

Tips & Tricks

Why are technical skills important in a selection process?

Nowadays companies have clear needs, therefore they look for employees who possess the necessary technical knowledge to perform effectively in a certain role and in this way, contribute to the achievement of the company’s objectives in the short, medium or long term.

Why are technical skills important in a selection process

In we spoke with María Camila García Ortizjunior e-hunters consultant, who explained that technical skills refer to specific technical knowledge about a topic, a program or a certain area. This knowledge is usually acquired within a classroom, a training or training in the middle of practice. These skills can be easily evaluated by people trained or with a high experience in the subject.

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“The importance of these skills in the world of work is that by possessing specific knowledge they give a greater probability that an employee can develop a certain task with a high level of success,” explained García.

The expert also ensures that, also, the employee can develop with greater confidence before peers, bosses or customers due to their technical skills, hence the importance of these.

Recommendations for you to be differential in a selection process:

  • Identify which technical skills aremost relevant to the vacancy.
  • Evaluate what knowledge youpossess that is related to the requirements of the vacancy.
  • Identify previous experiences that allow you to show how the correct use of your technical skills have led you to develop tasks successfully.

By analyzing this information, you can share it clearly and concisely throughout the interview, this will allow you to be a differential candidate. Remember that here at we want to give you tools to find the job you want.