Tips & Tricks

Tips to improve your personal brand and stand out in what you do

The process of building a brand is not only a matter for large companies. You, as a person, can also do a branding process in which you can highlight your knowledge and, at the same time, that people see you as an authority on your topic of interest.

Tips to improve your personal brand and stand out in what you do

That is why we must follow some basic tips to start that construction and, later, you can deepen that knowledge with thecourse offered by Personal Brand e-Hunters.

Here are the five tips:

1. Being disruptive: One of the most important characteristics of a person looking to create their personal brand is to be disruptive. Creativity and innovation when generating and sharing content will be essential for the people who see it to be attracted. It will always be essential to look for the difference with respect to other people, that is why you must have a special emphasis on this point. Remember to look at digital references for ideas.

2. Be convincing: when creating your brand, it is necessary that you have a high impact, therefore, you must convince and be sure of the topic in which you want to stand out. If you express your ideas clearly, sympathetically and confidently, you can generate in other people the effect you want.

3. Love what you do: so that your personal brand building is constant and you do not end up giving up, it is much better that you do it with topics that you are passionate about. If you do, you will surely not feel it as a forced job and you will do it with satisfaction. In addition, everything will flow naturally.

4. Differential content: if you share or create content, always do it in such a way that it is not the same as what someone else offers. Create content that contributes to the community you are talking to, which will make them have an affinity with you. In addition, you can become a reference in the topic.

5. Create an experience: If you want to be unforgettable for the people who interact with you, create an experience with your content. Make them feel satisfied. For the above always think about what you would like to see, so you can have ideas and offer them to others.

Tips & Tricks

Improve your job search during the pandemic with these tips

The portal received, from the Progress EPE Center (Entrepreneurship, Professional Practices and Employment of UNIMINUTO), key information for the search for a new job during and after the pandemic.

To start, you must update or build your resume, a task that you can perform through mobile or computer applications (see our recommended here).

Improve your job search during the pandemic with these tips

How to present a good resume

As for the presentation of this document, “try not to exceed two pages and must be titled your names and surnames. Adding a photo is optional and if you leave it, make sure it is sharp, with good lighting, shoulders up and formal wear, “advises Mauricio Betancourt, expert at Centro Progresa EPE.

This may interest you: What you need to learn to highlight your profile during the pandemic

The presentation of the curriculum

It is vital that you structure your resume by sections. Start with your personal details such as full names, phone, email and your place of residence.

In your resume you can also include relevant external links, for example, your LinkedIn or digital portfolio.

“Omits to relate at the level of languages, the native (Spanish); if you handle a second language, only place it if you have an intermediate or higher level, also for the programs or software you handle,” recommends Betancourt.

Prepare your professional profile

Now, your professional profile must contain academic training, experience, knowledge and / or interests, as well as your skills. This must be written in the third person and its extension should be between three to five lines.

Organize your training and work experience in order, from the newest to the oldest.

TheUNIMINUTOexpert also warns of the importance of differentiating your formal education (graduate, undergraduate, technologist, technical) from other studies or complementary training (diplomas, courses, workshops, seminars). The latter can be placed in another vignette.

To describe eachwork experience, include the name of the company, position held, responsibilities, achievements and the period worked (month and year beginning – month and final year).

“Regarding the references, he closes the document by announcing that these and the certifications will be delivered upon request,” Betancourt said. If you want to include them, present -maximum three- work and personal with data such as names, position or profession and contact number.

You can also read: Learn how to give an excellent job interview from home

Route your job search

According to Betancourt, you must “have defined a professional objective, position and sector. Establish contact with key people in the companies of interest and identify what the needs of the target market are.”

The expert shared with the portal that the candidate must make “a process of self-knowledge that allows him to identify the value offer” and thus be able to adjust the resume to the required profile.

Also remember to register at, where you can assemble your resume and start navigating between the job offers that are presented throughout the country. If your profile is attractive to a company, you can be contacted.

You can sign up for free here

Other professionals have developed their professional brand in networks such as LinkedIn, where people share valuable content, activate their network of contacts or ‘networking’ and expose their work profile.

How To

How to improve your efficiency while working and not working overtime

Being efficient does not mean -directly- being ‘multitasking’, doing thousands of things at once or working too much. When you are efficient in your work it is because you give adequate start and end to your work or activities in the shortest possible time.

How to improve your efficiency while working and not working overtime

According to Performia, who has experience evaluating staff on a large scale, six out of 10 people have a major inefficiency problem, which is basically not finishing what you’ve already started.

Do you know the word ‘procrastinating’? It is precisely to postpone the things to be done. Not finishing doing something will occupy your mind and you will not be able to focus on other matters to be concluded later, as they will accumulate more and more.

Therefore, Performia shared. comfour keys to improve your work efficiency; You can also have more space to do other things, fulfill personal errands, spend family time and really rest.

Start by setting goals

Try to have clear and defined your objectives, so you will avoid changing them constantly and you will obtain better results. To do this, organize your ideas, set a real and achievable goal and draw up an action plan.

For example, you can define by hours or times of the day the tasks to be fulfilled. Prioritize the most ‘difficult’. Use reminders or alarms to define deadlines and not forget deliveries.

On the other hand, “if you work in a company, it is essential that you know what is the purpose, functions and results expected of your position. Once this information is clear, it is easier for your actions to be directed in the right direction.”

Try to do one activity at a time

Many functions will require your full attention. If you start many tasks at once, you may not really finish doing them, you can simply be busier and your time distribution will be limited.

Do only one activity at a time and move on to the next when you’re done. This is a very valuable guideline for you to concentrate better and work a little faster.

Use lists to be clear about your activities and ‘free’ your attention

Organizing yourself with a list of pending activities is an excellent way for you to conclude and deliver them in the agreed times. A list will also help you not to depend on your memory and forget things.

If you consider this option, you can do it in the traditional way: with notebook and pencil or ‘sticky notes’; You can also use digital agendas or calendars on your mobile, computer or email.

Writing everything down is key!

Performia concludes with a very important piece of advice: handle all information in writing.

“Oral data is forgotten, confused and misrepresented, even if that is not the intention of the person doing it. Although this point seems quite simple, a good handling of information, which does not allow accidental or malicious changes in it, can save you a lot of difficulties.”

La ñapa: listen to music that doesn’t distract you

We know that listening to trendy music or your favorite can be a way to cope with your workday, as well as encourage you to perform your tasks. However, some songs can distract you, especially those that are catchy or ‘force’ you yes or yes to follow the lyrics.

For this reason, it is advisable to listen to instrumental music, either from video games or movies, yes, without voice and in a playlist.

If you decide to listen to music or radio from your cell phone, avoid constantly looking at it or answering messages that do not require urgency and can be attended later. The same happens with social networks, as long as they are not necessary for your work, leave them aside while you perform important tasks.

Tips & Tricks

Feed back to your boss and express what needs to improve

Companies make the final touches to the plans for the new year in December, present a balance of the work that was carried out and perform the performance evaluation of their teams.

Feed back to your boss and express what needs to improve

But can employees make that feedback open to their bosses or employer?

“It’s a myth that employees can’t give feedback to their bosses. In fact, the new generations are much more open to express their concerns and feelings, which is an opportunity that companies must know how to promote and take advantage of,” says Martha Calderón, deputy manager of People of Parque Arauco Colombia Division.

And it is that the bosses must change that frequent unidirectional relationship and perspective that everything, in turn, is working correctly.

Some companies are already setting themselves the task of listening to their employees and applying “two-way feedback practices”, that is, the leader feeds back to the employee and vice versa. For this to be achieved you have to have a period of time and it must be part of a cultural decision of the organization so that leaders exercise feedback in a positive way in traditional generations such as baby boomers, generation X and millennials, “says Patricia Vargas, manager of Right Management.

The ‘feedback’, feedback or evaluationshould be given in spaces where career projections, recognition of achievements and the importance of employees in companies are highlighted.

So, is December the ideal time to raise everything that worked or did not about the role and role of a boss?

“The end of the year is key, especially for companies that are finishing their planning for the following year. When bosses and their teams are reviewing their goals and commitments, it’s a good time for both parties to put on the table their expectations about each other, the things that could be done better, the support they require and in general, the terms of the relationship,” warns Calderón.

A good employee is the fruit ofgood leadership. The bond that exists between boss and employee should allow them to learn from each other, point out strengths and shortcomings, but always with respect.

According to Vargas, “Leaders should be role models who seek out different experiences, unusual perspectives, and remain open to new ideas. They must also have new digital knowledge and an understanding of the technical skills required to effectively transform not only their company, but also their employees.”

Finally, for both bosses and employees, feedback and those aspects to improveshould not be taken personallyso that the work environment or labor relations are not affected.

“We must visualize the labor impact of the recommendations or opinions expressed to us by a member of the job, whether a subordinate or boss; all the changes that are proposed in the company are very important and arise from this type of interactions, therefore, through these we must learn from our mistakes and generate positive changes to reach the proposed goals, “concludes Vargas.

Tips & Tricks

Christmas season, opportunity to improve labor relations

Many employees tend to spend more time in their workplaces than with their families. Therefore, companies can take advantage of the end of the year season to generate closeness and gratitude with their work teams.

Christmas season, opportunity to improve labor relations

To prevent being in the office during this holiday season from being a sacrifice and that employees are demotivated or decrease their productivity, “teamwork activities can be scheduled so that work areas relate to each other, which generates camaraderie and collaborative bonds. You can also implement days where the children of the workers can come to their parents’ workplace and share as a family, “says Nora González Escobar, Human Management Manager of Assist Card.

Each company can choose different events or days to share among collaborators, such asNovenas, New Year’s Eve parties, lunches between work teams or rafflesbetween areas.

In addition, the end of the year means an opportunity to analyze the work and development of employees. To this end, you can make a balance that “generates synergy, making together a review of what worked well and what should be improved for the new year, as well as proposing a list of objectives or personal and work goals for each employee,” recommends Yesenia Martínez, HR Head of TCS Colombia.

In December, many employees hope to strengthen their relationships, share and get closer with their co-workers, as well as their bosses.

However, it is a challenge to make feedback when the results were not so positive. To maintain a good atmosphere, it is not advisable to provide feedback – when the objectives have not been met – during the most special dates. At this time, a ‘spirit’ of commitment and improvement must be strengthened for next year.

Sometimes, there are employees who still do not have days available to vacation and others, who due to their position and level of responsibility, cannot leave the job at this time. In these cases, you can “make schedule adjustments such as compressed workdays that allow people to leave earlier or agree on days off during Christmas or the new year. In case the operation requires availability, employees can be organized by groups and schedules so that they are present on one of the two dates, “advises Martínez.

Companies must not omit the effort and work of them on the contrary, they must be recognized. To comply with this, “companies should award prizes in different categories that allow covering all areas and people, for example, to make recognitions for seniority, new talents, proactivity, service, teamwork, innovative projects or initiative,” concludes González.

Tips & Tricks

5 tips to improve your quality of life at work

With the economic reactivation that companies have had in recent months, the return to the offices has been imminent and therefore the environment in daily work is essential for meeting objectivesHotmelta global technology company and leader in the creator economy, gives five tips to improve the quality of life at work, also effective for entrepreneurship or personal business.

5 tips to improve your quality of life at work

1. Work on something you like:

Getting the job, you want can be difficult, but doing something you love is essential to feeling good at work and looking to be happy. It is recommended to make a list of skills and interests that can be useful in the company where you work and find common ground with your boss. A last resort may be to change companies or even set up your own business in the universe of digital products based on what you are really passionate about.

2. Separate work from personal life:

For many people this advice is almost impossible to follow, but separating work life from personal life is essential. It is not always good, for example, to focus only on work as your quality of life will decrease and you will feel more tired, unmotivated and impatient.

Balance is key and reserving time to enjoy with your family, go out with friends, read a book, travel or play sports certainly makes a difference.

3. Learn to work as a team:

If you are looking for a quality of work life, teamwork is one of the best options since it not only improves any task but also helps the personal growth of the collaborators through the exchange of knowledge. Setting shared goals and working to meet them is ideal.

4. Avoid procrastination:

Something that must be understood is that leaving tasks for later only serves to accumulate work, increase anxiety and not meet your schedule. Everything is usually left to the last minute, but it is important to try to be more efficient and do things on time.

5. Be creative:

Creativity in a collaborator prevents the routine from consuming him and his workday from becoming an odyssey, therefore observing daily activities and proposing a different way of doing them is key so that the quality of life of each collaborator has a positive change.

If you follow these tips to the letter, your days at work will be productive and your life will have a 180-degree turn.