When being part of a company, the following question arises: Work to be happy or be happy to work? Without a doubt, with the economic reactivation and the gradual return to the offices, the collaborators of various companies define if what they do at work is what they are really passionate about.

It should be noted that it has been shown that the relationship between happiness in a job and results within an organization are a reality, as Diana López, co-founder of Flamingo to, an expert company in enhancing commitment, creativity and connecting, comments. to people in companies and an expert in neurohappiness:
“We know that when people are happier, they are more creative and creativity is a vital part of innovation.”
Undoubtedly, happiness and leadership are two fundamental pieces in the fulfillment of the strategic planning of companies, since they allow developing the ability to listen and lead people to really act in favor of meeting objectives.
People who are happier, chemically and biologically, tend to be more creative, flexible, adaptable and innovative within a company and in the absence of commitment, characteristics like these are the ones that are most needed within work teams.
It should be clarified that happiness differs from joy. According to Diana, ” happiness is a decision or a choice and has a great impact on the environment from which that person promotes it and relates to it from her individuality “. For its part, the joy in a person tends to be momentary and in the event that something ‘bad’ happens, everything around them falls into chaos and there is an imbalance.
Employees have to understand that being happy at work directly influences the results of a company.