Companies are no longer as rigorous in the locker room of employees. However, it is good not to fall into complete informality. A few years ago, wearing a tie to a job interview was practically an obligation. However, the vision of the employer has changed and the use of the tie has been rethinking in the world of work, in fact, it is now normal to see managers dressed in their day to day with shoes, pants and shirt.

Jimena Sánchez, a specialist in Human Resources, says that the fact of not wearing a tie should not be confused with informality, that is, you can go very well dressed to the job interview without having to wear it.
“The wardrobe varies according to the position you are aspiring to. Even if you are applying for whatever position you are applying for, it is best not to go with tennis shoes or torn jeans. That way is not the right way to present yourself to an interview, “says Sánchez.
In many companies, clothing sets a limit, prevents informality from beginning to occur and can undermine the image of the company. This can be even more relevant if at work you have to attend staff or visit customers, for example.
However, “credibility is not given by a tie, it is given by security in the answers and how the person faces the interview, and the knowledge they have about the position. But, presenting yourself inadequately dressed can subtract points in the selection process, “adds Sánchez.
Nilsa Vargas Tellez, head of selection at Seguridad Selecta Ltda., affirms that the use of the tie depends on the organizational culture of the company, but it should not be an indispensable requirement.
“The tie could be considered suitable for certain managerial positions in which you want to project a mature professional image, although it is clear that this is only a first impression of everything that covers the professional profile of any applicant,” adds Vargas.
There is something fundamental, regardless of whether you aspire to an operational, administrative or managerial position: neatness. This quality is indispensable.
In the same way, it is important that the applicant investigates the organizational culture of the company and thus will know how he can be dressed to the interview; Recruiters will notice that and value it.
“Both men and women should not wear bright colors, nor should they appear overloaded in garments or accessories. And less, wear clothes that are too tight, “says Vargas.
Finally, Mario Felipe Ramírez, business consultant, advises that “it is always better to make use of personal marketing. We are in a society in which everything enters through the eyes, so it is better to use and take advantage of prejudices correctly.”