How To

How to get a job without the need for the ‘thread’ in 2021

The ‘thread’ refers, among Colombians, to having an influence that serves to get a job or better positions.

Some people attribute to this aspect the ability of others to easily access the labor market.

Don’t miss any job offers!

Of course, this should be differentiated from having a network of contacts to whom you can share the intention of being employed. It is the ‘networking’ with which connections of interest can be established and that can be used to give references.

How to get a job without the need for the 'thread' in 2021

Get ready to improve your profile

Unemployment increases competition between candidates, so it is important to adapt to the labor market.

Nowadays many companies are looking for professionals with distinguished skills, so it is necessary “to work on differentiating elements that can make us stand out; Enhance soft skills and dore-skilling (learning new skills) is fundamental,” explains Noel González, head of Development and Internal Communication at Adecco.

Among these soft skills, Carolina Mejía, strategic communicator and specialist in Human Resources at the European Business School of Barcelona, highlights assertive communication, flexibility, self-management, conflict resolution and innovation. In addition, “we must work on our personal brand through professional social networks and enhance the mastery of a second language”.

Communicate assertively

If you apply for a vacancy via email, remember to express yourself clearly and concisely. In one or two paragraphs, write your presentation and why you think you would fit into that position.

Also, during the job interview, you can expose your greatest achievements and contributions in previous experiences, as well as your affinity with the possible challenges of the vacancy that is being offered.

What recruiters really look at

“The elements in the resume, which may carry more weight than a lever, are the quantitative achievements obtained in previous jobs. We must also avoid making mistakes in the description of functions and how it was contributed to the company, “says Mejía.

Increase your chances of finding work. Get to know VIP employment here

Do not forget to take care of your writing and the keywords you use to develop your profile. The coherence and similarity between these with what is described in the vacancy depends on the possibility of being called to a job interview.

Finally, do not forget that there is nothing wrong with “generating valuable relationships, with which you can create alliances between people in the same sector; We can also share our talents and skills. If we do not open our social circle, with a professional objective, some doors can be closed, “says the HR expert.

Why should there be no ‘preferences’ when selecting staff?

Each vacancy requires specific competencies, which will be reflected in the results of the entire organization and the work team.

Therefore, “by choosing a person not suitable for the role, the company and the entire team is affected; these types of choices are not profitable or sustainable for a company,” concludes Mejía.

How To

How to get a job through Networking, the trend you should take advantage of

Looking for work in Colombia has evolved and, now, there are many strategies we can follow to achieve that goal. Networking is one of them and seeks to take advantage of the contacts you have to move forward in your working life.

How to get a job through Networking, the trend you should take advantage of

But what is Networking and why does it help us achieve work goals?

Networking, according to Laura Bonilla, product and employability coordinator, is “a process through which we make an accumulation of contacts, face-to-face or digital, where we can establish long-term value relationships and with a defined objective, in this case the labor issue”.

If you want to improve your work life or look for a job from the beginning, register your resume here.

Networking can be done through social networks, especially in those where the primary objective is to be known for work skills. For example: Linkedin or, to a lesser extent, Twitter.

The main basis for making this network of contacts is to be clear about the objective we are looking for: if we want to look for a job it would be interesting to find people who are interested in my job value offer.

“We can share content, on social media, alluding to my strengths so that people in my network can have me in their heads. We have to generate that they take us into account, “says Bonilla.

However, it is not enough to generate a network and share content, it is necessary to create a personal brand process so that our network sees in us a person with criteria in the knowledge we handle.

“From the content and skills, I have, I can create my personal brand on the social network so that recruiters or colleagues have me in mind for a position,” he added.

It is important, according to Bonilla, that my personal brand is reflected not only in a social network, but in all contexts of life.

“The personal brand must be consistent in all spaces, not only in digital, but in face-to-face. The idea is that my communications are assertive, based on respect. We must understand the diversity of opinions and know how to express myself when I disagree with something,” says Bonilla.

These are the steps to have an effective networking strategy and be able to find a job:

  1. Set a goal, be it employment, entrepreneurship, positioning of your company or any you are looking for.
  2. Segment contacts. Look for those people who can help you achieve your goal.
  3. Build the personal brand. There you analyze your strengths and your opportunities for improvement.
  4. Determine what advantages I have over others to exploit your personal brand.
  5. Build content to communicate the points where you are strong.

Remember that this contact building takes several months to consolidate, so you need to start building it before you’re in an active job search process.

If you want to create or improve your resume with recommendations from professionals, in this link you can get the product advice.

How To

How to get a job as a developer in large companies in the ICT sector


Societies went in the blink of an eye from a digitized world to a hyperconnected one, where not only technologies are involved, but also the time that users spend connected to the network. Even last year it was estimated that there were 4.66 billion people using the internet, which represented an increase of more than 7.3% compared to 2020.

How to get a job as a developer in large companies in the ICT sector.

In the midst of this avalanche of new technologies and their uses, companies increasingly require more ICT talent, especially web and mobile developers, who are specialists in developing software, apps or computer programs.

This was demonstrated in the study ‘Identification of gaps in human capital for the ICT sector 2021’, which was presented by the ICT, Labor and Education ministries, with the support of the Sena and the Sectorial Table, where it was identified that the scarcest positions in companies are those of software and applications developer, support analyst or digital directors.


Germán Escobar, CEO of Make It Real, an academy that trains developers through its “TOP” program and helps them link up with startups and companies in the technological ecosystem, pointed out that the positive thing is that little by little, the companies of this sector are changing their way of recruiting ‘tech’ talent.

“Before, only the experience of the people was taken into account, but that is already changing, and in the interview the recruiters manage to understand the candidate’s potential, discover their technical knowledge or know what their soft skills are,” Escobar added.

However, although there is great demand in the market, it is also clear that skills must be required to get your first job as a programmer, stand out in the selection process and be the best option for large companies in the ICT sector. Taking this into account, the CEO of Make It Real, announced the five tips to highlight when looking for this type of job:

1. Follow Through (Autonomy and execution capacity):

Large companies in the ICT sector hire people who are resourceful, intuitive and capable of achieving things on their own when given the necessary tools and resources. Therefore, it is essential to strengthen both their technical and soft skills, in order to execute and achieve certain results in the face of certain problems.

It is also vital that they have the ability to manage time so that they can prioritize and execute what is really going to impact a project, and execute it within the expected times and even have the ability to learn quickly about the most demanded technologies. From the market.

2. LinkedIn profile:

There are optimizations that can be worked on from these job profiles and that in general we all have to apply. In that sense, you have to be clear about what you are looking for and the skills you have, for example: a programmer with advanced knowledge of HTML and CSS and an expert in the use of JavaScript.

In addition, it would be interesting to be able to make your profile in English, since every day it is more valued by technology companies and demonstrating this type of knowledge is key to joining a company.

3. Master several programming languages:

Although a programmer must be an expert in a type of language, the more he masters, the more job field he can get.

The technical skills of a programmer are broad and cover various topics and you should not only take into account the most recent programming languages, but you should also take into account those that are of the first generation, since they will give you greater versatility to face any assigned task.

4.Culture Fit:

What are the types of companies where you would like to work, understanding what the culture is and how it is related to what you want, will be fundamental, due to the fact that job candidates must be able to adjust and adapt to the core values ​​and collective behaviors that make up an organization.

5.Personal Brand:

We have to build our own personal brand, which is why we must be very clear about what we can offer that is unique to us and what are the characteristics that make us essential.

For those who are passionate about the world of code and have ever dreamed of working in companies in the ICT sector such as Glob ant, Endava, Perficient, Prodigies, LeanTeach and even startups with great growth potential such as: Nominapp, Habi, La Haus, Cajero, Huge, Koombea, among others, Make It Real opened its call again until March 18, for those who are interested, they can register for their ‘TOP’ program on the website (

What is interesting about this program is that 100% of the graduates start working in the technology sector within a maximum of 6 months after finishing classes, since this institution accompanies them in their interview processes, relates them to some of the most important companies in the sector, and accompanies them in a process to face their first challenges in the labor market.

Germán Escobar explains that to apply to the TOP program you do not need to be an engineer or someone related to a STEAM career, since within the program they have had cases such as that of Leonardo Omaña, a musician by profession, who after taking the program in 2017 He started working in some local companies and in 2020 he joined Rappi as a Front-End developer. Or that of Ana María Sosa, who studied systems engineering and this type of training allowed her to be a Web UI Developer at Globant.

How To

How should a lawyer’s ideal resume look to get a job?

In this note we present the most important tips that the Tutoring Center of the University of Anti Aquia and the Center for Professional Trajectory of the University of the Andes shared for all lawyers who are looking for work and do not know how to structure their curriculum.

How should a lawyer's ideal resume look to get a job

What do they look at most on a lawyer’s resume?

“The interests of recruiters are interrelated with the positions to which they can be placed. Experience in relation to the positions held and in the exercise of the profession as a litigant can generate greater interest, “said the UdeA Tutoring Center.

In case the legal professional has no experience, and is applying as a ‘junior lawyer’, which is very common in high-impact litigation offices, they establish preferences according to the prestige of the ‘school’ or faculty of Law and the specializations carried out.

If you want to improve your work life, register your resume in this link.

It is also essential to highlight in the resume a “specialization in the area related to the position that is intended to be provided, updates on specialized topics and the management of a second language, especially English, which can be important, although not decisive,” said an expert from the Tutoring Center of the University of Antioquia.

Questions to Ask a Lawyer in an Interview

  • Why would you recommend yourself as a lawyer?
  • What do you consider to be the most successful case of your career?
  • How would you resolve this query?
  • Would you be willing to sleep in a remote town where a procedural proceeding has been scheduled?
  • Would you file a formal complaint against the counterparty’s lawyer, even if it was your college friend?

According to the offers received by the CTP of Uniandes, some of the most specialized areas or approaches, in recent months, have been in:

  • Corporate Law
  • Real Estate Law
  • Financial Law and Capital Markets
  • Infrastructure law
  • M&A Law

On the other hand, according to information from Uniandes, 95% of the offers require advanced English.

In terms of experience or knowledge, experience is requested in law firms (professional practice serves in these cases), know how to make contracts, agreements or agreements, have contacts with the public sector or have a career in it and handle technological tools.

Finally, regarding soft skills that are being requested and that can be included in your resume, there are:

  • Verbal, written and non-verbal communication.
  • Pressure tolerance.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Troubleshooting.
  • Proactivity.
  • Ethical approach.

Related Legal, Attorney, Lawyer and Law Clerk Job Responsibilities

How To

How many hours a day should you spend looking for a job?

When you’re out of work, your job is to look for new job opportunities. Therein lies success, in the seriousness and time you dedicate to achieving your goals. Looking for a job is a job. It’s that simple or, better, that complex, because in Colombia this task is not easy. However, it becomes more difficult if you do not concentrate and do not dedicate the hours of the day that this work deserves. The following tips will surely help you make your job search more effective.

How many hours a day should you spend looking for a job

Claudia Palacioan expert in employability and personal branding, says that a person who is unemployed must dedicate at least six hours a day to their job search to be effective. If you are employed and want to change jobs, you must dedicate at least one hour a day from Monday to Friday and two hours each day of the weekend. 

“Looking for work when you’re unemployed is like you have a job. You must dedicate time and effort, “complements Ximena Morgan, manager of and, in the same way, agrees with Palacio: “if you have a job and you are bored or want something better, you must find spaces to do your searches at home or in comfortable places for you. An hour or two a day minimum is fine. The vital thing is to know how to move and be judicious and strategic in the task, “he says.

Palacio says that the job search does not stop any day, so on Sundays and holidays you should also look for a job. Every day is good to search, however, on Mondays and Tuesdays more vacancies are usually publishedand in these days they report a high number of searches and applications.

The job search does not stop until you sign a contract. If you give up, possibly someone else will take the lead in the selection processes and, finally, manage to get a job.

Also, “there are no specific hours to find a job, you can see the vacancy that fits your profile perfectly on Tuesday night or Friday first thing in the morning, however, if you are going to send a resume to a person because they referred you the email, or because you simply want them to know your resume, it is preferable that you send iton Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday during working hoursbetween 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.,” says Palacio.

To make those hours that you are going to dedicate daily effective, it is important that you establish a routine and fulfill what you have proposed. Then, according to Palacio, a search strategy must be determined, which includes portals, contacts and companies. For his part, Morgan opens the panorama toalso participate in social networks.

When talking about specific portals, it is advisable to identify the keywords, salaries, positions, sector to which you want to apply and make filters toget the ideal job.

“As far as contacts are concerned, you haveto know that you should call each of the people you know and are located at work, tell them about your situation, about what you want, what you are looking for and update them regarding your resume. Finally, make a list of the companies in which you want to work and in addition to sending your resume through internal portals, send your resume to the person who can probably be your boss, “concludes Palacio.

Best methodology to look for work

The first thing, according to Claudia Palacio, an expert in employability and personal branding, is to really understand how the market works and adapt the professional profile to the demands before starting the job search. “Train yourself in issues related to employability, creating a better resume and training for successful interviews. Also maintain a leading attitude, it is not enough just to send your resume to different vacancies, it is necessary that you remain proactive and show motivation to continue belonging to the world of work, accepting new positions and different challenges. “

Tips & Tricks

Get a job at Christmas with these tips

Any time is ideal to explore job openings and start applying. But the possibility of being called increases during the last and first months of the year, as companies review the objectives set and goals achieved, generating a possible acquisition of talent.

Get a job at Christmas with these tips

Looking for a job at Christmas? Sign up now for and start exploring

1. Review your resume

Start “by changing your resume, less is more. The four-page curricula are no longer useful, specific and short documents are recommended where the differential and in-demand skills of the candidates are highlighted, “explains Juan Camilo Garcés, national Operations Manager of ManpowerGroup.

2. Identify your job profile

To stand out in the labor market during the holidays, it is also vital to review the professional profile that the worker has, identify him and thus direct his job search.

For Joaquín Jiménez, director of The Bonding, “if a candidate has a sales profile, for example, it is the perfect time to optimize their curriculum and send them to commercial vacancies. In that sense, it has to be prepared based on those skills and knowledge that apply and are required in that sector. “

3. The highlights of the curriculum

Dust off your resume and update it with the latest and most relevant work experiences. If you do not have professional experience, highlight your knowledge, skills and important academic contributions to a greater extent.

4. Identify the companies that are hiring

When these aspects are already updated, the candidate must explore the labor market, know the sector to which he can and is interested in applying, as well as discover the companies that, due to approved budget issues, have already begun their selection processes.

“Before applying for a vacancy, the professional must prepare and be informed, first to understand the role and the industry to which he is applying, and second, to know if culturally it is a company that will contribute to his professional growth,” said Enrique Pons, founder and CEO of Timbi.

The experts consulted recommend using technologies to access more job offers.

5. Find a job

in addition to publishing vacancies throughout the year, jobs are offered in different cities of the country. In fact, the portal allows you to filter searches by the salary offered, place and area of work.

You may be interested in reading:

Job offers to work in the holiday season

What are the most offered seasonal jobs?

6. What are my willingness to work at Christmas?

Try to be flexible in some work scenarios. Even if you prefer an indefinite relationship, do not underestimate temporary or fixed-term jobs, these can be a good opportunity to grow professionally and increase your work experience.

If you decide on a seasonal option, you should be aware of your availability and willingness to work -surely- during special dates such as holidays and December 24 and 31. Many of the seasonal jobs have rotating schedules.

7. Other Things to Consider

Also, remember that there is no magic formula to use you as soon as possible. A good network of contacts, perseverance and discipline are also relevant when looking for a job, since it is a ‘job’ that also requires time and relationship to bear fruit.

Which profiles may be most successful in your year-end search?

“The most sought-after positions in the holiday season are promoters, promoters, salespeople, service agents, as well as warehouse assistants and operators,” Garcés said.

In addition to the manufacturing and trade sector, growth is also expected in the technology sector, Pons said. According to this expert, “this sector is going through a good commercial moment and greater growth in terms of recruitment”.

If you manage to set a job interview, highlight your soft skills, such as teamwork, responsibility, assertive communication and customer service, according to each case.

Finally, don’t forget to tell your family and friends about your intention to employ you; Even if you can’t find work in December, many companies continue their activities and renew staff at the beginning of the year.

Tips & Tricks

Five tips for getting a job in 2019

Prepare your resume, improve your attitude and keep in mind the following tips.

On the eve of International Workers’ Day, the portal gathered the keys that will help you have more opportunities to get a better job.

Five tips for getting a job in 2019

1. Be clear about who you are as a professional and your goals

To start off on the right foot, you must recognize yourself as the person who fulfills qualities and skills, which companies are looking for.

As a first instance, determine your work goals and how you would like to perform, this taking into account your past work experience, academic background and your aspirations.

“It’s important to take some time to reflect on professional and personal strengths and weaknesses, as well as the type of job you like best; the more the applicant is recognized, the greater the probability of finding a job that provides greater satisfaction,” says Noel González, head of candidate and temporary experience at Adecco Colombia.

2. Know and analyze the labor market

González, comments that it is vital to investigate what are “the jobs that are most demanded by sector and their function. This is a key practice that not only helps to focus efforts on search, but also allows you to devise a strategy to create a more attractive professional profile and direct your efforts towards the development of skills and knowledge for certain sectors.”

3. A resume that makes you stand out as a valued professional

Having these aspects clear, it is time to move on to the resume. If this document is attractive to the recruiter, you have a good chance of being called for an interview. According to Claudia Rojas, a psychologist specializing in job transition coaching, your “resume must be concrete, shocking, winning and summarized, so that it passes the ‘six-second test’; On average, recruiters review the resume at this time to validate if your profile fits, if the resume is not forceful and is very long, it does not pass.”

What should not be missing from the resume?

Your resume should highlight the contribution you have made in a certain company or project. A summarized resume, which -preferably- does not exceed two pages and that brings together the important aspects of your work experience and your academic training, is more than enough.

Remember that with you receive personalized advice about your curriculum, this to prioritize relevant elements of your professional career, in addition to increasing your chances of getting a job.

4. A good ‘networking’ to seek support

Do not neglect the contacts you may have from your university, previous jobs or friendships. With them you can publicize your job search and make a good ‘networking’. This “will ensure support against possible opportunities and in many cases, against references that are required about you,” says María Liliana González Pérez, national director of selection of ManpowerGroup.

5. Without attitude and optimism you will close yourself to opportunities

Even if the demotivation comes due to a failed job interview or because you were not called back, you must persist. A negative attitude can stagnate you. Maintain “self-confidence and a positive but realistic sense of your job possibilities,” concludes González Pérez.

Don’t get frustrated because the job search hasn’t paid off yet. Be aware that competition is high and, therefore, you need to know better the labor market, the vacancies that are most offered and, broadly speaking, the requirements they are asking for. In this way you improve your search towards sectors that are looking for a profile similar to yours.