How To

How should a lawyer’s ideal resume look to get a job?

In this note we present the most important tips that the Tutoring Center of the University of Anti Aquia and the Center for Professional Trajectory of the University of the Andes shared for all lawyers who are looking for work and do not know how to structure their curriculum.

How should a lawyer's ideal resume look to get a job

What do they look at most on a lawyer’s resume?

“The interests of recruiters are interrelated with the positions to which they can be placed. Experience in relation to the positions held and in the exercise of the profession as a litigant can generate greater interest, “said the UdeA Tutoring Center.

In case the legal professional has no experience, and is applying as a ‘junior lawyer’, which is very common in high-impact litigation offices, they establish preferences according to the prestige of the ‘school’ or faculty of Law and the specializations carried out.

If you want to improve your work life, register your resume in this link.

It is also essential to highlight in the resume a “specialization in the area related to the position that is intended to be provided, updates on specialized topics and the management of a second language, especially English, which can be important, although not decisive,” said an expert from the Tutoring Center of the University of Antioquia.

Questions to Ask a Lawyer in an Interview

  • Why would you recommend yourself as a lawyer?
  • What do you consider to be the most successful case of your career?
  • How would you resolve this query?
  • Would you be willing to sleep in a remote town where a procedural proceeding has been scheduled?
  • Would you file a formal complaint against the counterparty’s lawyer, even if it was your college friend?

According to the offers received by the CTP of Uniandes, some of the most specialized areas or approaches, in recent months, have been in:

  • Corporate Law
  • Real Estate Law
  • Financial Law and Capital Markets
  • Infrastructure law
  • M&A Law

On the other hand, according to information from Uniandes, 95% of the offers require advanced English.

In terms of experience or knowledge, experience is requested in law firms (professional practice serves in these cases), know how to make contracts, agreements or agreements, have contacts with the public sector or have a career in it and handle technological tools.

Finally, regarding soft skills that are being requested and that can be included in your resume, there are:

  • Verbal, written and non-verbal communication.
  • Pressure tolerance.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Troubleshooting.
  • Proactivity.
  • Ethical approach.

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