Having good leaders in companies is essential to achieve the expected results within the company. The abuse of authority, arrogance and lack of assertive communication by bosses has gone into the background to turn them into true leaders who inspire and motivate their employees.

To find out what a good business leader should have in elempleo.com we spoke withMarcela Rojas, career coach and headhunter, who told us some aspects that must be taken into account to be a good leader within the company.
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What should I keep in mind if I have just assumed a position as a boss in the company?
Know in depth the scope of the position, who will depend on you, your peers, your bosses, clients, all this to take into account before making decisions, making changes or implementing new ideas.
It is important that you know what is behind everything you will be in charge of: the work culture, the stories behind the triumphs and failures, who the strategic people are, how things are being handled and why. When you have these answers then start your strategy taking into account the story that accompanies your position.
This will allow you to adapt your ideas to the needs and culture of the organization, which will not only generate a better work environment, by taking into account the past and present of the company, but will reduce the margin of error when knowing the reasons why something has gone wrong in the past.
What are the characteristics that a good business leader should have?
1. Emotional intelligenceto not allow your emotions to govern your decisions and reactions. This allows you to speak with respect even if you are upset, feel that there is room for everyone to shine, and share your knowledge sincerely so that everyone wins.
2. Listen to understand the needs of those around youand from there speak and propose with empathy. A leader who cuts his internal speech to really hear what the other person is saying, connects with his interlocutor and begins to speak his language, in this way communication flows and confidence increases.
3. He adapts because he knows that the world is a changing place, so he does not cling to a single idea even if he likes it very much. It is open to new knowledge and ways of thinking. He constantly evaluates, studies and tries new ways of doing things to improve his work.
4. He surrounds himself with a good teambecause he knows and recognizes that he cannot be an expert in everything, so he seeks and values the knowledge that others can bring to improve his work, this makes his good results not only the result of his knowledge, but of the synergies he achieves with the people around him.
5. Allow others to grow because youknow that success is an abundant and infinite morsel that everyone can eat if they have worked for it.
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How to identify a bad leader in a company?
A bad leader is based on his own interest, he is the typical person who takes credit for team-built achievements. They tend to have very bad interpersonal relationships and are constantly caught up in power struggles and egos. They let themselves be carried away by their emotions, they do not listen to the needs of customers, employees, peers and suppliers, they believe that their word is the only one that counts.
What is the most common mistake leaders make in companies?
Not listening, living in an internal monologue where the world has to adapt to their needs and not them to the needs of the world.
How should a leader behave in the face of the personal situation of workers?
With empathy, we could lose a good element of a company by not having empathy and tact.
An employee will never forget a sincere and disinterested call from his boss to ask how his health is going or the situation that has him outside his job, without him taking advantage of that minute to ask about work issues.
Flowers, condolence or greeting cards, paid days off, the possibility of teleworking while solving their situation, among other things, are emotional salaries that people value very much and generate loyalty and a sense of belonging to the company.
3 current leaders who inspire society and we must have as a reference…
In Colombia and the world there are many. I would recommend locallyArturo CalleandLuz MarĂa Jaramillo (Pavimentos Colombia), and outside ColombiaSir Richard Branson (Virgin Group).
What these three people have in common is the value they give to their human talent, which they see as a priority and a fundamental part of the machinery of their companies. They have a sincere intention to grow together.