How To

Learn how to make a personal introduction video

Sometimes the presentation in the resume is not enough and some companies prefer to know the candidates in a format that allows more details of the person to be detected.

Learn how to make a personal introduction video

Virtual or digital interviews have become an ally for selection processes, they serve companies to streamline and optimize recruitment processes and candidates to be effective through technological tools.

Talent recruiters currently use two types of video interviews. In the first, the interviewer sends the candidate a series of questions to be recorded and later sends the video with the answers so that it can be analyzed. The second is the best known and implemented by companies and is done through a virtual platform such as Skype, Google Hangouts, Facebook Messenger or Viber; In these cases, the candidate is spoken to in real time and not only his knowledge but also aspects of his personality are measured.

“Video interviews allow us to speed up the selection of candidates during the early stages of the process. In divisions such as technology, about 40% of the interviews, in the first instance, are carried out using this methodology, since it is a tool that makes it possible to efficiently refine the list of candidates without implying greater efforts in travel and identifying key skills for the position that needs to be covered”, explained Daniel Camacho, IT executive manager at Michael Page Colombia.

Register or update your resume 

Faced with these situations typical of a selection process, ask what type of video interview you are going to do, check the conditions that the video must have, the duration, the operating system, the place where you are going to record, the camera, the computer and other details that could present inconveniences.

“The interview process allows the candidate to make the reasons that have been put in the resume to access a position much clearer. For this reason, it is necessary to think about it strategically and concentrate efforts on demonstrating the specialization of the profile. Some selection processes may require the support of audiovisual media, either as an input for companies in the first phase or as a means for the interview when the distance does not allow a face-to-face meeting,” said Carolina Forero, Marketing and Communications Manager. in Colombia and leader in Latin America for Hays.

“Whether the medium is, you have to think about the information that is going to be provided in that first instance. Knowing the profile of the company and, if possible, the interviewer, this will help to set the tone: formal or informal conversation, emphasis on certain skills of the profile, adjustment in one’s own speech and even a position issue. The key message that must be delivered is that of a specialized profile that meets the skills expected by the company, this demonstrated in specialized knowledge and experience”, added Forero.

Choose a good place to make the video, find one where you won’t have distractions. Apart from this, the videoconference or video must have the same relevance as a traditional interview. Personal presentation is essential, regardless of whether you are in a workplace, a public place or at home. So, it’s important to rise to the occasion and meet the expectations that companies have of an applicant for one of their positions.

“Minimize possible interruptions: it is important to put the cell phone on silent, and in the case of being at home, also the landline. Think of anything else that might distract you during your interview and schedule everything so that doesn’t happen. Close all web pages that might catch your eye and turn off email alerts. If you live with other people, let them know you’re having an interview so they won’t interrupt you. If you have a pet that makes a lot of noise, try to move it from the room,” Camacho recommended.

Apart from the traditional questions, about formation, strengths and weaknesses, think about the possible questions that you will be asked. Take care of your image and the way in which you will make the video. Your creativity and formality can be the way to get the job you want.

“Make visible your skills that are required for this new position, the achievements in previous experiences, and how you have managed to build your experience. It is also essential, depending on the industry, to have the latest requirements in the advancement of existing programs or regulations that are essential for the business. Demonstrating the strength of the profile is the key, and the questions can be many. Seek to make it evident, as it will help you provide a more solid image,” Forero pointed out.

Keep in mind 

If the username or email you’ll use to submit the video isn’t professional, your interview may get off to a bad start. There are many video editing applications that you can use. Everything you say and do in an interview will be used to create an image. Lastly, make sure your profile photo features only and exclusively you, and hopefully it’s a sober photo.

Tips & Tricks

Tips to make money yield in this time of inflation

For a few years now, the phenomenon of inflation has hit Colombian households, especially and with more force those that are strata 1, 2 and 3. According to Dane data, inflation for the month of April was 9.23%.

Tips to make money yield in this time of inflation

The Covid pandemic was a trigger that helped this economic phenomenon, both nationally and internationally. According to the World Bank until 2024 the world would suffer from sustained inflation.

“In Colombia we are becoming poorer not only because of domestic inflation but because our currency worldwide is losing value, so those who consume imported products will not be able to buy them, especially because the dollar exceeds $4,000,” says Alba Zulay Cárdenas, an expert and teacher in economic issues.

Here are some tips for money to yield in times of inflation

Experts explain and give advice so that inflation is not felt so much. According to them, the budget of a household revolves around supplying the basic needs of food, housing, education and health.

Food: replace the consumption of some products

This advice is aimed at replacing products that are bought in the family basket with similar but cheaper products, which provide the same nutrients. For example: replace red meat with chicken or pork; wheat flours for corn flours, etc.

Housing: the possibility of changing residence

Leases have been affected by inflation, even reaching a 30% increase, something that does not benefit many families. Experts advise changing housing to one that accommodates the family’s economic income; On the other hand, those people who are paying a mortgage loan can restructure the loan so that the installments are lower.

Education: make agreements with educational institutions on financial issues

Private schools and universities have raised tuition prices in semesters and monthly payments, so it is recommended to reach payment agreements to comply within the established times. Similarly, if the person has debts for educational loans, he can request a portfolio purchase.

Health: making sure employers pay social security

Workers must be very aware that their employers pay for the corresponding health services, taking into account that the pandemic is not over and that the family unit benefits from this contribution. 

Tips & Tricks

Make the best of the ‘scolding’ you get from your boss

Although the spirits are lowered and the atmosphere in your office feels ‘tense’, when your boss calls your attention, you must be assertive and learn from each correction, of course, without letting them disrespect you. This way you guarantee that you can perform better in the future.

Make the best of the 'scolding' you get from your boss

Feedback should always be assimilated from a constructiveand “positive” point of view, because despite receiving criticism that they will not like, there are things to improve and the most important thing is to try to understand that there was a mistake,” says Andrés Díaz Granados, executive manager of DNA Human Capital.

“If for some reason the person who feeds back does not know how to do it, the worker can use his objectivity and emotional intelligence, then extract what he knows he must improve and with humility recognize it, improve it and put it at his service and that of others,” advises Yamile Pardo, director of Human Talent of BDO in Colombia.

Feedback should always serve as a method to analyze different perspectives and situations, this in order to reach different agreements. Bosses should encourage “a conversation focused on thriving, where the employee can give their point of view and arguments, since sometimes superiors also have different biases and perceptions,” says Díaz.

At work there is no shortage of mistakes and carelessness on the part of bosses and employees

If the employee is the one who receives a counterclaim and has to ‘bow his head’, Pardo affirms that these observations must be “digested and rethought, because if it is a professional and height evaluation, there is some truth in that feedback.” In case there is a “latent failure in the worker and this is reported by several of his colleagues, it is something that definitely exists and it is the responsibility of the worker to recognize and improve it.”

If the employee feels that he is being the victim of humiliation or inappropriate words, he has every “right to get up from the feedback session and inform through the channels established in the company for complaints, such as the coexistence committee, the human resources team or some other boss who is an example of leadership”, concludes Pardo.

The important thing is not to take a ‘scolding’ personally, as industrial relations should be just that, links at work. As long as observations are made about tasks, results, or functions, you should know that your boss does it because he expects the best performance from his team.

How To

How to make your resume if you do not have work experience?

Joining the workforce is one of the challenges faced by thousands of Colombian professionals who complete their studies; And in order to take the step towards a first job, something crucial is the preparation and subsequent application of the resume, since it is the cover letter to a company and it depends on whether they will contact you in the future. 

How to make your resume if you do not have work experience

It is normal for there to be impatience when applying for a job offer, since most of the time experience is required to hold a position within a company. However, there are opportunities for those who do not have previous experience to fill a vacancy and here are some recommendations that you should take into account when preparing or modifying your resume to enter the labor market for the first time.

– The resume must have a maximum length of two pages.

– You must highlight your academic training.

– In the description of your professional profile you must comment on who you are, level of education, hard skills (software you know, communication skills, social network management) and soft skills (strengths or aptitudes such as innovation, leadership, teamwork, etc.) equipment, adaptability) with which you have accounts and short- and medium-term objectives. You can also mention your main interests, skills and why you are the best option for a company to hire you. The ideal is that the text does not exceed 5 lines.

– If you have a bachelor’s degree and have taken courses related to the vacancy for which you are applying, do not hesitate to highlight this information within the document. 

– If you have any recognition for any previous work carried out (research, awards, volunteering, or participation in projects), do not hesitate to place it on your resume, as this will allow your leadership capacity to be seen.

– As you do not have work experience, skip this part and continue with the rest of the information.

How To

How to make the resume if you do not have work experience?

Many young people who are completing their higher education want to enter the labor market. If you are one of those and do not know how to make your resume because you have no work experience, do not worry because here we want to give you the tools so you can create your resume that will be that cover letter in front of companies.

How to make the resume if you do not have work experience

We spoke withMaría Camila García Ortiz, junior e-hunters consultant, who explained that to make the resume, in this case, academic training must be taken into account.

“The achievements obtained within this training (seminars, presentations, academic tutorials with the institution) can be highlighted,” recommends the expert.

Remember tohighlightin-depth seminars that demonstrate that you have an interest in specific topics related to the vacancy. Garcia says that within the job profile you can include “with interest in complementing it with the activities about which you have knowledge and that you would like to perform.”

Do you want to have a job opportunity? Register your resume here and find it.

Extension of the resume

A maximum oftwo pages.

What to answer in the interview when they ask about work experience?

Garcia stressed that when asked about the experience to a person who does not have a formalone, he should highlight the academic achievements or extracurricular activities that have involved the development of soft skills and where they have achieved significant achievements.

“It is important to highlight that when questions are asked about the experience, they seek to obtain information about the activities they have done, the achievements achieved, the development of skills and for this reason when a person has developed some extracurricular activities, they have the possibility of sharing valuable information,” said the e-hunters expert.

As for the references to complement the information, it is best to contact a teacher with whom you have shared extracurricular spaces such as research seedbeds, tutorials or others and who can highlight the person’s self-management skills. In other cases, some people volunteer and this can be included as work experience without economic remuneration.

Is it recommended to put a photo in the HV?

It is optional, howeverin some cases it is not necessary. But it can be a positive point when your resume is going to be used as a personal marketing tool.

Remember that this photo should not be the same as that of a social network. Do not use ‘selfies’ or personal photos. However, don’t forget that the photo is associated with the type of company you’d like to work for.