Some people have employment as the meaning of their lives, this being the most important reason to get up day after day and the fundamental pillar to achieve happiness. Work cannot be the main purpose of their lives. No. Your work must be the means for you to fulfill all the purposes that you can draw in the different areas, whether personal, family, economic, financial, leisure …

Unfortunately, some employees take work as an end in their lives and not as a means. This can lead to certain problems.
Mario Felipe Ramírez, project manager of Plexus Consult ores, assures that the work that is carried out should be seen as a means and not as an end because “I believe that work allows things to materialize beyond being employed. It is to give a purpose to the daily work.” Therefore, it is not something that should remain as the only objective.
In other words, the recommendation is that your goal is not to work, but that work allows you to meet the goals and achievements that you want to achieve in the different spheres of your life.
Alexander Ruíz, Human Resources consultant at Oil & Gas Industry, says that work is the means by which we develop to excel in life.
The purpose of the work, according to Ruíz, is to develop in what we have formed. He also clarifies that it is different to be addicted to work, to work with commitment, dedication and always worry about doing tasks in the best way, in order to obtain good results.
For her part, María Clara Delgadillo, Human Resources Manager of CNG Energy, affirms that workaholism generates problems in other fields of life. It is an escape valve when there is no satisfaction in other environments of the person.
Work understood as a means is valid, but addiction to it is bad. “Employment is an instrument to reach a specific end, achieve goals, objectives and projection. It is a means to achieve what one sets out to do. Which leads you to get the end you have, “says Delgadillo.
In short, you must analyze whether you are using your work as a means or as an end. Ideally, your work should be the means by which you are going to fulfill yourself as a person and as a professional and, in the same way, your job should help you fulfill your goals, dreams and projects that you intend to achieve in your life. That is, so that you can reach your ends and purposes.