Having these skills allows the worker to develop in an integral way and make transversal movements in an organization.
At present there is much talk about ‘multitask’ or multitasking employees as a necessity that the labor market demands. However, there are different positions, and there are those who prefer a worker who performs a single function and does it well.

Mónica Yamile Pardo Morales, director of Human Talent at BDO in Colombia, says that the good thing about being a multitasking employee is that when someone with certain requirements is required in another area or process, this worker can be the first on the list of any change.
However, Pardo expresses that it is bad to be a ‘multitask’ when the company for which he works confuses an integral person with one who can do everything. So, in these environments the employee can be overloaded with work and have difficulties.
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“Being multitasking is attending functions of various types within the same position. That is, knowing the specialty of your profession and the area to which you belong within an organization, but having basic knowledge of other areas to be able to understand the points of view and create common languages. For example: an Audit Senior has accounting as his training base and is an expert in it. However, he must be a good leader, have his skills developed, and carry out other activities not necessarily associated with accounting, such as administrative, personnel management, quality, and commercial activities,” says Pardo.
Similarly, key positions in an organization should be filled by employees who are capable of multitasking. “By this I mean not only management positions, but also all those who are key to sustaining the business.”
Pardo ensures that a manager must be ‘multitask’ because he is the integrator of processes, people, areas and organizational dynamics. Therefore, he has to immerse himself in different levels of depth of what his colleagues do, in order to be the support of any of them in critical moments, and to be able to make decisions both alone and as a team.
The problem is not that the worker is multitasking, the bad thing is that the company overloads tasks.
Amanda Bibiana Arias, deputy director of Human Talent at Parque Mundo Aventura, affirms that new labor trends make an increasing demand on their workers to achieve results, highlighting the need to develop their skills to attend to various things at the same time. time.
“It is favorable that a worker is multitasking and manages to respond to the various demands of a job”, points out Arias.