In the first month of the year, companies plan, but they also begin to execute their projects. Faced with new challenges, they look for personal and make movements in the structure of their payrolls. Of course, there has been the doubt of what is the best time to look for work, in fact, some people think that the time of year does not influence to find a job. However, this is not the case. January is an ideal month to get a good job, as the labor market is reactivated after the end of the year and holiday season.

María Clara Delgadillo, Human Resources Manager of CNG Energy, says that January is a very good month to look for work, given that in principle companies are structuring and planning the entire labor issue. Therefore, they are also thinking about positions to fill, because possibly there were some resignations at the end of the previous year, or there are restructurings and promotions. This makes this month an ideal month to look for a job.
Similarly, January is good not only for people who are looking for work, but for those who want to grow within the company or change jobs.
“The Human Resources department or the recruitment section starts in January to look at the resumes that came in December or November. That’s why it’s good to apply beforehand,” says Delgadillo.
However, if you didn’t manage to apply for offers recently, don’t worry. You’re still on time. Have your resume ready, organized and structured and apply to the offers offered by portals such as, which currently has about 50,000 job possibilities for all types of profiles.
Have patience, decisiveness, and planning. Commit yourself conscientiously to the job search. Get ready, have everything ready, organized and, above all, apply to offers related to your profile.
Also, something that also draws attention to the offers made by companies in January is the type of contract. “They usually offer greater job stability. Contrary to those that can be seen at the end of the year, which can be for the provision of services or for work or work, “says Delgadillo.
Generally, indefinite or fixed-term contracts are offered for one year in January. “It would not be advisable to go on vacation in January when you do not have a job. The ideal is to plan to find a job that offers job stability. This time is fertile in the search for employment, “says Delgadillo.
Jorge Alberto Hernández, specialist in Human Management at the Pilot University of Colombia, complements and affirms that at this time there is the opening of new positions and the adjustments that companies have been advancing since the end of the previous year are made. Changes are also made subject to the increase in the minimum wage, the growth of the CPI, the final record of inflation and other economic factors that companies contemplate to modify their payrolls.
“The application to offers must always be constant, from the moment in which the person is out of work or wants to change must be applying for different offers, in a conscious, organized way, having very clear what is wanted and, of course, that the required profile is met, “concludes Hernández.
Historically, in January we receive greater applications to job offers published in. Last year, for example, more than three million applications were counted for 37,000 offers that were available in Bogotá alone. Currently, the portal has more than 50,000 job opportunities throughout the national territory.