Tips & Tricks

Phrases to ‘fall in love’ with your boss

In a recent installment, posted the phrases that may bother your boss the most. Do you know the comments he does want to hear? Not only is the word enough, the idea is that through your actions and attitude you can reflect commitment, compliance and seriousness in the eyes of your boss. For him, it is important that his employees are motivated and that they feel that they can grow and develop professionally in his company.

Phrases to 'fall in love' with your boss

Gratitude is the beginning, if you expect only your superiors to be the ones who thank you for your work, you are wrong. It is important that this is not unidirectional, you must be grateful to your bosses and colleagues.

 who knows how to say thank you for an act or fact that positively impacted him or her leader is a person who creates a connection that always brings good fruits, because timely recognition and gratitude is a boost and motivation for everyone,”says Adriana Garcés, Human Talent Manager at ManpowerGroup.

Working with peers can lead tocompetitionand, in some cases, rivalries. However, a leader appreciates when there is a collaborative and healthy environment among employees in his team.

By offering support to a colleague who is overwhelmed with their tasks or who is absent, you show the boss “commitment, achievement orientation and of course teamwork, which is the most important thing to achieve for any leader in an organization,” says Elive Riveros Trujillo, director of People, Organization and Culture of HDI Seguros.

There are ideal phrases. For example:”I have analyzed some indicators and I want to propose an improvement model”or”I would like to have a space with you, I want to give feedback on the aspects that I need to improve”. The first comment can project the trust and dedication an employee has with their leader. With the second you can “detect the openness of your collaborator to build more and better processes, evidencing a proactive person,” says Liliana Guzmán Caballero, director of Human Resources at Adalid.

According to Guzmán Caballero, “creating a company in the country is very difficult; When you admire the work of a person who generates employment, it is an incentive to transfer knowledge to others who want to follow the same path.” Telling the boss that you admire him for his venture doesn’t have to become an exaggerated act of ‘flattery’. Similarly, if you consider that your superior is an example to follow for his achievements or professional experience, you can let him know.

Don’t forget to always be willing to give a little more than you can give and, of course, be open to learning.

These attitudes are important within the work teams and you can reflect them through expressions such as: “I thought you were going to ask me about this issue, so I went ahead and made this report, tell me what you think” or “of course boss, I do not know how to do it but I investigate and I do it”, concludes Riveros Trujillo.

Know the complete list ofphrases to ‘fall in love’ with your boss:

  1. I feel that your entrepreneurial effort is admirable, I would like you to guide me on how to create a company.
  2. I can help you with that.
  3. I’ve got an idea.
  4. I perceive that (an area partner) is a little overwhelmed by the calamity he had, so I am supporting him with these issues.
  5. I didn’t understand very well and I don’t want to make mistakes, can you repeat me?
  6. I find this topic very interesting and I would like to learn much more
  7. Thank you for listening and taking into account the opinions of the whole team
  8. How could we contribute more?
  9. Yes, I can do it
  10. It was my mistake and I will try to correct it