2022 began and the labor market continues its process of change and adaptation to the new post-pandemic reality, since after the contingency triggered by covid-19, remote work became the solution for different organizations and collaborators, in search for the fulfillment of objectives.

At we carried out a study on remote work and the impact it has had on different sectors of the economy at the national level. However, with the implementation of vaccination globally, the return to the offices is a reality.
According to the report, currently 42% of the people surveyed (58% women and 42% men), always work in the office, while those who work alternately are in second place with 32% and those who work entirely from house are 26%.
Likewise, the workers were asked which type of work they had the best results with, and almost half (47%) stated that alternating work (work at home and in the office) is a good option for meeting work objectives.
According to the question: Which type of work would you prefer to apply for in your next job search? the answers were the following:
– Alternate work (Home/Office) 54%
– I always work from home 26%
– I always work in the office 20%
Something that allows us to know first-hand this report is that people today are looking for job opportunities with the alternation modality, regardless of whether they have to change cities. Undoubtedly, the preference for being part of an organization and performing functions from home and occasionally in the office is quite attractive for Colombians.