Workers from different sectors of the economy in Colombia, constantly seek to give their best in their respective positions and add value within the company in which they work, in order to grow within it, despite not having a motivation as the basis of their life project. Likewise, organizations have set themselves the challenge of increasing productivity in the midst of the economic reactivation that has been taking place.

However, a question arises, and that is how to achieve greater productivity assertively, if it has been shown that in most companies, their staff unmotivated and poorly aligned with corporate objectives?
María Reina, an expert in innovation and human talent management, affirms that “the demotivation of employees occurs because they do not know what they are good at or what they are passionate about“. This perception is reaffirmed by what was said by the American psychologist Howard Gardner, who states that “75% ofemployees in organizations are increasingly unmotivated, which affects productivity and the results required to recover the pace of growth and advance exponentially”.
Are you looking for a better job?
And what are the keys?
If you want to increase your productivity, we let you know keys, which despite seeming common, if you put them into practice in your work environment, will give an excellent result.
– Enhance capacities: Look for individual strengths and foster them collaboratively. Teamwork and the union of skills and abilities are fundamental.
– Socialize with peers: With the reactivation, after the contingency caused by the covid-19 pandemic, the return to the office is a reality and by establishing interpersonal relationships with colleagues, motivation grows, while there is collaborative work.
– Express ideas: Through team meetings, explore your ideas and discuss them without fear. Contributing contributes to the increase of self-esteem and self-confidence.
– Learn to differentiate your personal life from your work life: You must have the ability to leave your personal problems outside of work and concentrate on your work, along with the relationships you weave with your colleagues, based on cordiality and kindness.
– Project: When you work, you not only do it to generate an income, but also to contribute to your personal development and build a future, based on aspirations, such as studying, traveling and growing in an integral way.
For both employees and companies, well-being and finding motivation based on passion are factors that influence productivity and good results for the growth of the company. The methodologies are important supports for the understanding of business contexts and the development of human groups that generate interpersonal relationships within it.