Work experience is one of the most important parts of the resume. However, some people do not know how it should be located in the curriculum and, above all, what should be put.

Adriana Gutiérrez Faccini, a Human Resources consultant, assures that it is important that work experience highlights the tasks performed that are more in line with the position to which you aspire. But that does not mean that you should leave everything aside, it is important to write down the roles in which you have worked and that may be relevant to the information that is needed.
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In the work experience, several points stand out: the full name of the company in which you worked; the dates corresponding to the period worked (entry and retirement) and if you are still working in the company, the word “Current” is put -instead of the retirement date-. In the same way, the name of the immediate boss is presented, with the contact number if possible and, if the case arises, you did not have a good relationship with your superior, write the name and telephone number of the person in charge of Human Resources. The explanations of the bad relations with the previous bosses are left for the interview, if it is the case.
Present your past charges chronologically, starting with the most recent.
“Likewise, it is also essential to make a brief summary of the functions performed and, in some cases, companies request the reason for the withdrawal. Also, it is vital to present the achievements achieved in each of the tasks carried out”, advises Gutiérrez.
The most appropriate way to present work experience is to start with the last job you have had, in such a way that the person who is reviewing the resume is clear about your last jobs.
“Sometimes there are very long resumes. It is recommended to put three to five jobs: the last ones done, and those that are relevant to the position. You can comment on the rest of the work you have done at the interview stage”, says Gutiérrez.
Normally when applying for a vacancy, you have access to information on the functions to be performed and the expected requirements. Based on that and on work experience, you can define what to put on the resume.
Finally, María Clara Delgadillo, CNG Energy’s Human Resources manager, says that it is vital to put the functions performed in a short, precise and specific manner. “Although work experience is essential in the resume, it should not be very extensive.”
Work experience should not be avoided or omitted, because it is what allows the employer to analyze competencies and abilities to perform the functions that are going to be assigned to you in the position to which you aspire.
Keep this advice in mind
“Currently, the usual thing is that people present their experience before academic studies. In the experience, in addition to specifying the functions, it is ideal to present the achievements that you achieved or the processes that you could advance in a company. The resume should be an invitation that interests the recruiter to know more about your profile”, complements Viviana Barragan, a specialist in Human Resources.