If you quit your job and later regret it, will your employer receive you again as in the previous case?
Jorge Alberto Hernández, a specialist in Human Management from the Universidad Piloto de Colombia, says that it is necessary to be clear that the resignation is a voluntary process that the worker executes before the employer in view of the tasks that he is developing, so if it is a process for own decision, it is supposed to be something that should have been thought through before handing over the resignation letter.

For Hernández, repentance is not a viable action in these cases. He could do it before delivering the letter, but after he passes it on the person must bear the consequences of his actions.
“It would be difficult for the employer to give him another opportunity, because that generates a feeling of instability for the position, since the person could leave at any moment and leave the position vacant and generate subsequent delays in the processes that are being carried out in the company. company”, says Hernández, who adds that there may be effects not only at an administrative level, but also at a financial level.
the anecdote
A similar situation happened to Vivian Merchán, manager of Mistral Asociados SAS a few years ago: she handed in her letter of resignation from her current job because she had found a job at another company. She began to step down from her role gradually and work in her new role. However, that position did not turn out to be what she expected and she then asked her boss to whom she had given the resignation letter to receive it again.
Merchán had such good luck that the boss accepted her again, however, according to her, things never went back to the way they were before. The fact that she once showed that she wanted to leave caused some inconvenience in her superior and in her work team.
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the synthesis
Before giving up, think carefully about the decision you are going to make. The fact that you pass your resignation letter causes the company to start investing time and money in selection processes to replace your position.
Therefore, when you repent you can find a boss who accepts you again -although it is possible that the work environment changes-, or that you are already at a point of no return.