The job is more than assured, you just need to sign or receive a call with the formal offer, what could go wrong? Until you sign the contract nothing is assured. This is a premise that all candidates for a new job opportunity must keep in mind. There are specific situations or errors that, as childish as they may seem, end up with hiring at the least unexpected time.

For example, posting the wrong message on social media could be enough for the recruiter to refrain from signing the contract. Although each Internet user has the freedom to share what they consider on social networks, you should be careful with content that puts your reputation or that of the company that wants to have your services at risk.
Debating the political, social and economic situation is not bad, as long as it is from respect, more in the digital sphere. Therefore, avoid rudeness or confrontations because there is no similarity in opinions. Companies are looking for candidates who “respect diversity, who have an open mind and who listen to all kinds of opinions, because today many companies expect their teams to have a culture of inclusion and respect, which values the essentials of the human being,” says Elive Riveros Trujillo, director of People, Organization and Culture of HDI Seguros.
“The candidate must ensure that he carries with him the right message that he wants to convey, that is appropriate to the job, sector of the industry and even types of company in which he wishes to work” –Yamile Pardo Morales, Director of Human Talent and BDO in Colombia.
If your profile is private, you can share the content of your liking without so much prevention. For Juan Pablo Castillo, Director of Corporate Affairs at Sodexo, social networks are a “totally personal environment and it is not appropriate to invade this space or the private life of candidates as a filter for hiring, the objective is to find someone with specific characteristics, do the required tests. “
On your social networks, skip comments and content that incite hatred and include:
– Xenophobic
Another mistake that can be made – both for candidates and employees – is “when you talk better about the brand, product or service of the competition than about the company to which you apply or where you work, which can be considered as an unfair act and depending on the internal work regulations and policies of the company, it can be considered a major lack,” says Yamile Pardo Morales, director of Human Talent and BDO in Colombia.
Regarding the photos and images published, you should be careful if your profile is completely public. In networks that were created for professional and labor dissemination purposes, “photographs, images or pieces that project professionalism must be published,” adds Pardo.
Stacks with personal references!
Many things can happen for a hiring to be reversed. For example, that a last-minute reference does not give the best impression of the candidate, that the applicant does not respond in a timely manner to calls or appointments from Human Resources or sudden changes within the organization.
The case of personal references is special. Many people get rid of the references in their resumes and end up not validating exactly what the candidate expected, denying or not recognizing aspects of their passage through another job. “A bad reference of a candidate can put at risk their continuity in the selection process, for this reason, only those who are able to really value the quality of this person’s work should be the only one who dares to express any information about him or her. Otherwise, the damage that can be done to a person in a hiring process is enormous,” warns Riveros.
Do not lie to your recruiters, they can intuit the availability of hiring the candidate and your level of adaptation through photos or publications you make during the selection process. In addition, discovering that the candidate for the position did not tell the whole truth or made it up will detract from the credibility of his profile.
“The most important thing is to feel identified and happy, contributing their skills and serving within it, behaving as an internal and external ambassador of the brand” -Yamile Pardo Morales, Director of Human Talent and BDO in Colombia.
“For companies, it is essential to be able to obtain first-hand information from the candidate, especially when what they publish on networks is generally accessible, since any personal opinion can affect the sector for which they are applying or worse, the company in which they are applying. This can be perceived as synonymous with not wanting to enter the company and that is why the candidate could not participate in any selection process with it, “says Riveros.
In addition to feeling inspired by the possible company where you would work, you must fully contribute your skills and project yourself as an “internal and external ambassador of the brand”. “The issuer must be aware and consistent in applying to the companies with which he is philosophically aligned, because this will allow him to grow in a stable and progressive way. The information you prefer to publish should depend on the image that the professional wants to project and there you must be a skilled digital communicator, “concludes Pardo.