With the COVID-19 pandemic, interpersonal relationships changed. Our relationships with co-workers, study partners, even with some family members is now through a screen.

According toa study conducted by IMS Insights Labon media consumption during the pandemic, it was discovered that this digital consumption alternative had an exponential growth in Colombia of 54%.
With the use of streaming tools, some doubts arose about how to make a good impression on other people, taking into account that it is not the same to be face to face than through a screen. Here at elempleo.com we give you some tips to generate a good impression be it a job interview, a work meeting, a class session or a business appointment to offer a product and / or service.
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For this reason, we consulted with the expertClaudia Milena Manjarrez Alzate, executive director of the CICCE corporation, who explained some recommendations to generate a good impression in virtual communication. As always, communication is carried out in a verbal and non-verbal language, being the non-verbal, the one that most impacts on communication. Verbal communication comprises words, nonverbal communication is everything else.
Constantly our body is communicating informationin most cases involuntarily, where you can determine the mood, safety of the subject, motivation and feelings among others.
There are some studies that show thatonly 40% of a message or less of what you want to express is emitted in words, the rest, through non-verbal language. Even the psychologist Albert Mahrabian, researcher of the subject said that only 7% is verbal and 93% is composed of non-verbal language.
There are many aspects to consider, let’s talk a little about the most important aspects of non-verbal communication:
Facial expressions: is the most noticeable and most noticeable emotional indicator in virtual communications, where the focus is on the upper body.
Look: Looking at the person in a communication denotes security. Also, in the movement of the eyes it can be observed that a person is thinking, analyzing and even detecting their mood.
Gestures: are the set of facial expressions, postures, smiles, body movements that accompany the words in a synchronized way. It generally serves to accentuate or ratify what is expressed verbally.
Posture: demonstrates the disposition or predisposition towards the activity that is carried out and visually weighs a lot on the personal image, for example an upright posture shows good attitude, being awake, in turn an ungainly position shows predisposition, laziness, sadness or lack of interest in the meeting.
Appearance: It is one of the most influential aspects of communication in general. It generates a lot of information about a person when we see him for the first time, such as age, neatness, occupation, marital status, origin, socio-economic status, among others.
The perception of a person’s appearance is greatly influenced by previously established social and cultural paradigms. Hence its importance to make a good impression and therefore, we must work to give that image that we want to project to impact the meeting, class session or interview in which we are participating.
Paralanguage: basically, it is how you say what you say. In the voice you can infer the emotions of a person, either in person, in a video conference or by telephone. We can evaluate in this aspect, the tone, the rhythm, the pauses or silences, the volume and the timbre which allows us to analyze aspects of the person.
Chronomic: it is the aspect of non-verbal language that has to do with the time used to express messages, if it is concrete, or takes many turns to express a response, a proposal, an idea or a situation.
In addition to the aspects of communication, we must also take into account the following tips to provide the best impression:
Check in advance the internet connection, the operation of the camera, the microphone, the background that will have its position.
Punctuality, even if it is a virtual interview, must be 10 minutes before in the waiting room.
Greeting and saying goodbye to the interviewer, as well as giving thanks and putting into practice good manners, are key elements to make a good impression.
Dressing according to the occasion, formally, properly and completely, not just from the waist up, could be in for a surprise.
Always show an optimistic attitude.