How To

How to claim the half day granted by the State for voting?

This May 29 will be the election day in which Colombians will elect the successor of Iván Duque and many are still unaware that the State gives voters a benefit for participating in the electoral elections, which consists of half a day of rest, paid, in accordance with article 3 of Law 403 of 1997.

How to claim the half day granted by the State for voting

The article says the following:

“Any citizen who proves to have legitimately exercised the right to vote may have a half day of paid compensatory rest for the time he uses to fulfill his role as a voter.”

But how do you apply for this benefit at your workplace? The main requirement is to present the electoral certificate and agree with your immediate boss the date and time in which you can take the paid day off.

It should be noted that you can take the benefit up to thirty days after the voting day. In case of having been a voting jury, the Law grants a full day of paid rest that can be taken in the following 45 days.

In the event that the employer denies you this benefit and you work in a public entity, you can make the claim with a compliance action and if you work in a private sector company, you can file the complaint with the Ministry of Social Protection or the Office of the I work.

Tips & Tricks

eye! These are the benefits you have for voting in the presidential elections on May 29

This May 29, the presidential elections will be held in the country, that is why Colombians will have the responsibility to choose who will be the new representative of the nation before the world.

In the first round, if none of the candidates obtains half of the votes plus one, a second election day will be held on June 19.

Citizens who exercise their right to vote will obtain benefits granted by law. This was created in order to encourage people to go to the polls.

eye! These are the benefits you have for voting in the presidential elections on May 29


Those who vote will be able to access a 10% discount on the issuance and duplicates of the Military Book, and from the second duplicate onwards on the citizenship card.

Likewise, those who are performing compulsory military service will have a one-month discount if they are high school soldiers or police auxiliaries and two months if they are peasant or regular soldiers.

Also, those who vote will have a preference in case there is a tie in the results of the entrance exams to public or private institutions of higher education.

On the other hand, article 1 of Law 815 of 2003 dictates that students who have exercised their right to vote will have a 10% discount on the cost of enrollment.

Another benefit that is obtained by voting is the 10% discount when issuing the passport that is requested during the 4 years following the vote.

Lastly, voters will have a half-day of paid compensatory rest, for the time dedicated to voting.