Tips & Tricks

How should work experience be entered on the resume?

Work experience is one of the most important parts of the resume. However, some people do not know how it should be located in the curriculum and, above all, what should be put.

How often should you update your resume

Adriana Gutiérrez Faccini, a Human Resources consultant, assures that it is important that work experience highlights the tasks performed that are more in line with the position to which you aspire. But that does not mean that you should leave everything aside, it is important to write down the roles in which you have worked and that may be relevant to the information that is needed.

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In the work experience, several points stand out: the full name of the company in which you worked; the dates corresponding to the period worked (entry and retirement) and if you are still working in the company, the word “Current” is put -instead of the retirement date-. In the same way, the name of the immediate boss is presented, with the contact number if possible and, if the case arises, you did not have a good relationship with your superior, write the name and telephone number of the person in charge of Human Resources. The explanations of the bad relations with the previous bosses are left for the interview, if it is the case. 

Present your past charges chronologically, starting with the most recent.

“Likewise, it is also essential to make a brief summary of the functions performed and, in some cases, companies request the reason for the withdrawal. Also, it is vital to present the achievements achieved in each of the tasks carried out”, advises Gutiérrez.

The most appropriate way to present work experience is to start with the last job you have had, in such a way that the person who is reviewing the resume is clear about your last jobs.

“Sometimes there are very long resumes. It is recommended to put three to five jobs: the last ones done, and those that are relevant to the position. You can comment on the rest of the work you have done at the interview stage”, says Gutiérrez.

Normally when applying for a vacancy, you have access to information on the functions to be performed and the expected requirements. Based on that and on work experience, you can define what to put on the resume.

Finally, María Clara Delgadillo, CNG Energy’s Human Resources manager, says that it is vital to put the functions performed in a short, precise and specific manner. “Although work experience is essential in the resume, it should not be very extensive.”

Work experience should not be avoided or omitted, because it is what allows the employer to analyze competencies and abilities to perform the functions that are going to be assigned to you in the position to which you aspire.

Keep this advice in mind

“Currently, the usual thing is that people present their experience before academic studies. In the experience, in addition to specifying the functions, it is ideal to present the achievements that you achieved or the processes that you could advance in a company. The resume should be an invitation that interests the recruiter to know more about your profile”, complements Viviana Barragan, a specialist in Human Resources.

Tips & Tricks

Tips for making your resume if you have no work experience

A new generation of professionals is getting ready to compete in a tight job market, and having no previous work experience, building your resume can be a difficult task. What to highlight when I haven’t worked before? Is it useful to talk about academic merits?

Tips for making your resume if you have no work experience

Joaquín Jiménez, director of The Bonding, shared with some tips so that building your resume -from scratch- is easy and you manage to capture the attention of the recruiter.

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“Many people who are just out of college consider that they do not have any kind of experience because they have participated in activities that are not considered as a job. However, there are previous experiences, in school, or at university, that can be taken as such,” described Jimenez.

Therefore, you can include your extracurricular activities, outstanding research or practices within student groups, laboratories or university radio.

Highlight your achievements during your student days

Candidates can highlight those merits and achievements for which they worked. Phrases such as “I worked to pay for my university”, “I won a scholarship”, “we won as a team in such a sport” or “I went to live abroad to look for something else”, among others, are important and will demonstrate the characteristics of successful people, which is the self-motivation and taking risks to achieve something, describes the expert of The Bonding.

Should you put a photo or not?

It is optional and, in some cases, not necessary. However, it is a positive differential if your resume will be used as a personal marketing tool.

What should the photo look like? Keep in mind that your resume is not the same as any publication on a social network, so do not use ‘selfies’ or personal photos.

Although the image should represent your professionalism, the position and the company you would like to be in, remember that some companies do not have a traditional culture to require the presentation of “suit and tie”. The photo is associated with the type of company you would like to work for.

Pay attention to your profile

Depending on your career goals, highlight and describe your experiences, whether work or personal.

You can use lists or bullet points to highlight your most significant achievements, as well as knowledge and skills.

How to communicate correctly in your resume?

According to Jimenez, in terms of writing style, you can use or tweet as long as you maintain the same tone throughout the structure of your resume. Also, it is best to use verbs that are active, ’empowered’ and that demonstrate achievements, such as “I participated” or “I did”.

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The extension does matter

In general, a Recruiter does not evaluate a resume for more than 5 minutes. Make sure that this document does not exceed two sheets, maximum three in case you have a lot of experience and trajectory.

Unnecessary data

It is not required to include personal details, such as identification number, housing address, neighborhood and among others. “If you are a foreigner, it is important to inform if you have a work visa or not. The rest of the information will be required by the recruiter at the time the hiring process closes.”

How To

How to make your resume if you do not have work experience?

Joining the workforce is one of the challenges faced by thousands of Colombian professionals who complete their studies; And in order to take the step towards a first job, something crucial is the preparation and subsequent application of the resume, since it is the cover letter to a company and it depends on whether they will contact you in the future. 

How to make your resume if you do not have work experience

It is normal for there to be impatience when applying for a job offer, since most of the time experience is required to hold a position within a company. However, there are opportunities for those who do not have previous experience to fill a vacancy and here are some recommendations that you should take into account when preparing or modifying your resume to enter the labor market for the first time.

– The resume must have a maximum length of two pages.

– You must highlight your academic training.

– In the description of your professional profile you must comment on who you are, level of education, hard skills (software you know, communication skills, social network management) and soft skills (strengths or aptitudes such as innovation, leadership, teamwork, etc.) equipment, adaptability) with which you have accounts and short- and medium-term objectives. You can also mention your main interests, skills and why you are the best option for a company to hire you. The ideal is that the text does not exceed 5 lines.

– If you have a bachelor’s degree and have taken courses related to the vacancy for which you are applying, do not hesitate to highlight this information within the document. 

– If you have any recognition for any previous work carried out (research, awards, volunteering, or participation in projects), do not hesitate to place it on your resume, as this will allow your leadership capacity to be seen.

– As you do not have work experience, skip this part and continue with the rest of the information.

How To

How to make the resume if you do not have work experience?

Many young people who are completing their higher education want to enter the labor market. If you are one of those and do not know how to make your resume because you have no work experience, do not worry because here we want to give you the tools so you can create your resume that will be that cover letter in front of companies.

How to make the resume if you do not have work experience

We spoke withMaría Camila García Ortiz, junior e-hunters consultant, who explained that to make the resume, in this case, academic training must be taken into account.

“The achievements obtained within this training (seminars, presentations, academic tutorials with the institution) can be highlighted,” recommends the expert.

Remember tohighlightin-depth seminars that demonstrate that you have an interest in specific topics related to the vacancy. Garcia says that within the job profile you can include “with interest in complementing it with the activities about which you have knowledge and that you would like to perform.”

Do you want to have a job opportunity? Register your resume here and find it.

Extension of the resume

A maximum oftwo pages.

What to answer in the interview when they ask about work experience?

Garcia stressed that when asked about the experience to a person who does not have a formalone, he should highlight the academic achievements or extracurricular activities that have involved the development of soft skills and where they have achieved significant achievements.

“It is important to highlight that when questions are asked about the experience, they seek to obtain information about the activities they have done, the achievements achieved, the development of skills and for this reason when a person has developed some extracurricular activities, they have the possibility of sharing valuable information,” said the e-hunters expert.

As for the references to complement the information, it is best to contact a teacher with whom you have shared extracurricular spaces such as research seedbeds, tutorials or others and who can highlight the person’s self-management skills. In other cases, some people volunteer and this can be included as work experience without economic remuneration.

Is it recommended to put a photo in the HV?

It is optional, howeverin some cases it is not necessary. But it can be a positive point when your resume is going to be used as a personal marketing tool.

Remember that this photo should not be the same as that of a social network. Do not use ‘selfies’ or personal photos. However, don’t forget that the photo is associated with the type of company you’d like to work for.