This May 29, the presidential elections will be held in the country, that is why Colombians will have the responsibility to choose who will be the new representative of the nation before the world.
In the first round, if none of the candidates obtains half of the votes plus one, a second election day will be held on June 19.
Citizens who exercise their right to vote will obtain benefits granted by law. This was created in order to encourage people to go to the polls.
Those who vote will be able to access a 10% discount on the issuance and duplicates of the Military Book, and from the second duplicate onwards on the citizenship card.
Likewise, those who are performing compulsory military service will have a one-month discount if they are high school soldiers or police auxiliaries and two months if they are peasant or regular soldiers.
Also, those who vote will have a preference in case there is a tie in the results of the entrance exams to public or private institutions of higher education.
On the other hand, article 1 of Law 815 of 2003 dictates that students who have exercised their right to vote will have a 10% discount on the cost of enrollment.
Another benefit that is obtained by voting is the 10% discount when issuing the passport that is requested during the 4 years following the vote.
Lastly, voters will have a half-day of paid compensatory rest, for the time dedicated to voting.
The design and structuring of the resume varies depending on the profession. The curricula of engineers should focus on results or contributions in consultancies, works or research. In addition, depending on your area of expertise, you must expose the knowledge and skills you have in different tools or ‘software’.
Forsystems, electronics and computer engineers, it is convenient that “if they have a technical background, they highlight it in their curriculum”, as well as capabilities “for selling products, services and IT solutions; a difficult mix but where technical expertise is very important,” says Marco D’Andrea, commercial director of Experis de ManpowerGroup.
Instead, industrial engineersmust expose all kinds of results they have achieved thanks to the implementation of effective methodologies or processes in companies, in addition to possible financial, technological or technical skills.
Engineers must highlight the languages they handle, this due to globalization and expansion of companies.
If you want to change jobs, register your resume here
The relevance of academic training
It is vital to include undergraduate, graduate, master’s or certifications, since any type of engineer “must be in constant learning and professional development, acquiring new knowledge that supports him to develop certain jobs or use certain methodologies, taking into account that organizations increasingly work by projects, “says Julio César Sandoval, dean of the Faculty of Engineering of Universidad El Bosque.
Are you an engineer looking for a job? Find the vacancy you need here
Knowledge, skills and abilities
It is also ideal to present “technical skills such as the handling of computer packages, operation of instruments, knowledge of technical standards and standardization procedures”, in addition the applicant must be “prepared to clearly support in an interview the way in which he acquired each of the skills cited and give specific and clear examples of it”, advises Juan Carlos Cruz, professor at the Faculty of Engineering of the Universidad de los Andes.
Soft skills are also significant
For example, civil engineers can highlight competencies they have developed during their career. According to D’Andrea, not only “technical knowledge such as mathematics, calculation or design is enough, it is also essential to demonstrate in a resume leadership, creativity, project management and knowledge in administrative issues.”
Do not forget the work references
Nor should we forget the references you have aboutprevious work or projects, as they are a good basis to rectify information about achievements and support participation or good performance.
Sandoval affirms that “in the case of a recent graduate, the reference can be the director of degree work, or a teacher of a subject where the student developed an outstanding project. Someone with experience must put as a reference a previous boss, someone who validates the achievements of the candidate or the certifying bodies of the competences developed.
The format, style and personal taste
Although these resumes should not be highlighted for creative design, it is valued that they are not ‘heavy’ enough to bore a recruiter to read it. Engineers can use colors, sections, or highlighted titles to better organize their resume.
Cursos El Tiempo, always thinking about the needs of professionals, created a workshop for those who are interested in expanding their knowledge of business issues. If you are an entrepreneur, a young entrepreneur or just want to learn about the subject, we invite you to sign up and learn about it. (Here you can register for the course).
During this course, which consists of three modules, you will learn concepts related to electronic payroll, you will know and correctly interpret the regulations that regulate this matter, updates and developments in the field, among other things.
At the end of the course you will have acquired these skills:
Basic principles of payroll settlement and social benefits
Bases of implementation of the electronic payroll.
Applicable legal regulations, legal framework and current legislation.
If you dare and feel that you need to learn more about the subject, click on this link to obtain all the information.
Similarly, we invite you to learn about all the courses we have for you. We know that one will help you to complement your skills. Courses The Time.
According to the International Civil Aviation Organization, the number of airline passengers was reduced by 60% in the world during 2020, which meant a great crisis for different industries, however, thanks to the positive evolution of prevention measures, some countries were in the need to adjust their migration and student policies integrating new incentives for foreigners to migrate to their destinations to cover academic and academic offers. Labor labor, thus generating a high degree of interest in young Latin Americans to improve their financial situations.
Do you want to have a new job opportunity? Register your resume here.
According to theFundación Huellas Latinas, a multi-Latin non-profit foundation, which works directly with the Ministry of Labor of each country where it has a presence, it affirms that70% of young Colombians from the pandemic decided to have better life opportunities, to the point that the national passport issuance system collapsed.
The countries most desired by students:
Until 2018, it was estimated that about 50,000 Colombians traveled in search of a better future, most of whom resided in countries such as Australia, Germany, Canada, and the United States due to the quality of student life. In addition to having the opportunity to get to know new cultures, languages and tourist places, these nations are coveted for the opportunity for economic growth for their new residents.
In Germany the government invests a large percentage in education, not only for nationals but also for foreigners, making higher education in public universities 100% free education and the United States has one of the highest salaries for young people who work and study at the same time, between 800 and 1,000 dollars per month.
“The Huellas Latinas Foundation seeks to help young people who wish to study abroad by offering them training in the English and German language, offers them work, food, housing, international medical insurance for one year, while the person can defend themselves in the country and in some cases even round trips,” said Víctor Manuel Peña Caro, CEO of Fundación Huellas Latinas.
Requirements to study in any of these countries:
There are few requirements that young people must meet to start the benefits they will receive when they start their studies abroad.
Have command of English and the language of the country to which you wish to travel.
Be between 18 and 25 years old.
“Educational tourism, in addition to contributing to personal finances, is an opportunity to get to know wonderful places,” adds Peña.
According to figures from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD, it is estimated that by 2025 8 million people will leave their home countries to study abroad.
It is of great importance to have an alternate degree or a study that boosts your professional development, whether it is an undergraduate, postgraduate or master’s degree. Students often require a part-time job that allows them to pay for their studies or gain work experience. On another hand, professionals seek to enhance their resume, as well as increase their income through a promotion, where a master’s degree can become vitally important.
Time management and the organization of duties is what defines a considerable balance between these two tasks.
It is essential not to put one before the other, since the two can complement each other in an important way. “The training or specialization of employees is very beneficial for companies, because it strengthens the processes and capacities of people to carry out a job,” explains Gina Vargas, coordinator of counseling and psychosocial care at EAN University.
Organize your schedule with your bosses
Your study and work schedules should go hand in hand with good communication, between bosses and teachers. “It is important that the people in the academy as well as the bosses are aware of the situation you are in, work in and also study; this builds bridges to negotiate times and carry out work,” says Adriana Garcés, manager of Human Talent ManpowerGroup Colombia.
Set goals between study and work, so you ensure that there is discipline and harmony between these two aspects. In this way, you can justify yourself with your bosses, that “more than having an obligation to give time for study, they are in the duty to look for a strategy to advance and bring knowledge from the academy to the company, this in order to increase competitiveness and improve productivity,” explains Garcés.
Save time and distances between classrooms and your office. Today, many educational programs are offered from a distance and on the internet you can explore “the benefits of new methodologies, including virtual education that is not face-to-face and that facilitates participation and learning autonomously,” recommends Vargas.
Don’t run out of batteries
Coping with this routine can tire and bore you; You should not stop spending time with your family and friends, as well as separate moments of leisure, in this way you preserve your relationships and rest your mind.
According to Vargas, even if you feel tired or demotivated, “you should talk to those close to you, who can be an important support in times of frustration or stress.”
How to deal with sleep and ‘extra hours’ of study?
Vargas says that “it must be recognized if perhaps it is more productive to rest and get up early than to stay up late, however, if you opt for the latter do not do it more than two hours a day; It is also convenient to dedicate a fixed time every day to allocate a single day to do the activity to academic”.
Some companies offer – among their benefits – the possibility of studying their employees, but as long as you operate in one that does not, you must be organized with your agenda and not miss the opportunity to increase your knowledge, which in the end can give you a better job opportunity.
Take this right seriously so that you choose with time and knowledge the best option, whether it is a private fund or Colpensiones. Every worker knows that he must contribute to a pension and, at the time of hiring, he joins a private fund or Colpensiones. However, there is a lot of ignorance regarding and, above all, to which regime it is best for us to belong.
During the first 20 years of the existence of the system of competing pension schemes, workers simply decided and expressed their willingness to join the relevant entity. According to the book “How are we going to retire?”, by the editor of Economy of El Tiempo, Mauricio Galindo, of the people who in 2013 decided to move from a private fund to Colpensiones only 24.2 percent had the possibility of retiring, while 75.8 percent would not achieve it; Therefore, it had to wait for the return of contributions that are updated with inflation and are lower than those of private funds.
In view of this, the so-called “Double Advice” was created, which is that if you want to change your regime you must first have two free consultancies: one offered by the regime in which you are currently and another that they offer you from the regime of your interest. It is valid to say that, as of October 2018, this is a right for any worker regardless of age, and both private funds and Colpensiones are obliged to offer this double advice.
What is done in this double service is that both the private fund and Colpensiones review the information of your work history, that is, all the contributions made by you during your working time, to date. In addition, projections on age and pension amount are specified. Also, weeks quoted when you reach the pension age and alternatives if you do not meet the requirements to retire, depending on the rules of each regime.
In the two consultancies you receive data from your old-age pension projection in different scenarios.
“It is worth taking this double advice seriously, not as another requirement, because that information that comes out there is vital to avoid making a wrong decision, because each story of each worker is different, there are no general rules,” recommends Mauricio Galindo, in an interview with
Then, depending on your particular circumstances, you may be better suited to a private fund or Colpensiones. Do not run the risk of making a wrong decision, contact the respective entity and schedule your advice.
Currently undertaking is one of the goals that thousands of Colombians seek to fulfill. However, for various reasons, executing a profitable business idea can be complex and this leads to projects being postponed or simply forgotten.
According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) study, Colombia ranks seventh worldwide and third in Latin America, where more people seek ways to have stability with entrepreneurship.
But it should be noted that those who wish to execute an entrepreneurial project must have as a premise that this implies time, dedication, perseverance and resources, as well as clarity of the sector and business that they wish to carry out. For this reason, here are some tips that you should keep in mind so that your business project becomes a reality:
– Propose the idea:
You must be clear about how your idea of entrepreneurship is going to impact the lives of others and if it will be the solution to any need.
– Register and protect the enterprise:
You must register your brand with the Chamber of Commerce of your city and the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC). This will allow the idea to be formalized.
– Make a business plan:
Keep in mind that a market study is important to know the panorama and if there are competitors or similar businesses.
– Form a team:
Build your work team with people who give your ideas or develop processes. Delegate functions, this is important.
– Train yourself:
Take virtual courses on financial or digital marketing topics so that you are always up to date and new alternatives to boost your business.
– Clarity in finances
Use technological tools such as a good cash flow format and accounting software to make strategic decisions.
The objectives proposed from the beginning must be fulfilled and seek to consolidate the ideas so that the enterprise generates economic stability.
The electoral certificate is a document that is given to voters for exercising their right to vote, this paper is only acquired at the polling stations when national or regional elections are held.
On May 29, more than 21 million Colombians went to the polls and received their electoral certificate, with this document they will be able to access a series of benefits for voting.
Those people who have lost their certificate and want to access the benefits dictated by law, must take into account that the physical document must be presented.
If you lost your electoral certificate this is what you should do:
According to the National Registry, those who lose said certificate must communicate, through a letter, with the regional delegation of the electoral entity that corresponds to them.
The letter must specify the position and the polling station, which can be consulted on the official website of the Registrar’s Office, so that the entity can compare the data and issue a copy of the certificate.
It is already known that the resume is a document that serves as support when a professional seeks employment, as it brings together their work experience and data of interest. For designers, the format, design, and presentation of the curriculum itself can be proof of their skills, creativity, and style.
Are you a designer looking for a new job? Click here and start applying
“The resume should be the reflection of who he is as a designer and will always want to show his strength in it. If you think you have a good color handling it will be colorful, you may prefer it to be minimalist or presented in the form of ‘origami’. In design, creativity has no borders and always has the power to surprise”, warns Patricia Rincón, graphic designer and manager of Almax Gráfica.
Designers can present their resumes in letters, interactive websites, folding, among others.
The designer’s curriculum “must be creative and not traditional, here you have to collect all the work done, not only of your approach, but also your parallel experience. If a graphic designer wants to show himself as a designer and illustrator, he exposes what he can in illustrations, but it is not enough to add editorial works, business portfolio design or web pages, “says Liliana Patricia Aguilar, graphic designer at the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University.
Each designer will give priority and direction to their specialty, whether inillustration, animation, editorial, advertising or digital design.
These variations must be respected when applying for a vacancy, as each one requires skills in digital tools.
Specify ‘skills’ and software learned andmore than necessary
The basics are to knowabout Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator, “because they are useful to work for a whole career as a designer. The first allows the user to see their work in a critical and strategic way; the second is fundamental in terms of color, layout and infographics, “says Daniel Sierra, Design Director at MileniumGroup Latin America.
The work that highlights your style and professional experience
The portfolio is perhaps the aspect that most attracts the attention of designer recruiters. It can be physical or digital, but it must contain the pieces that the designer considers most important and that are proof of his work experience.
“Publishing the works in a social network can be a good tool but they are still publications. Doing this is limiting, since the quality and breadth of the pieces worked is not shown in their entirety, “says Sierra.
Instead, you can useBehanceor the designer website to spread the word about the portfolio.
Finally, Manolo Perdomo, advisor in communications, design and marketing, points out that it is essential to indicate the digital pieces “that were worked in a collaborative way, since many times the concept is of one person and the design is captured by another, which can lead to future surprises; You don’t have to think that every designer is an illustrator, that’s a frequent mistake in the selection process.”
The digital era brings with it great changes, the way we work, study and think are no longer the same as before, people must stay ahead of all these transformations and adapt so as not to be left behind along the way.
The way of doing business and relating to clients is no exception; For this reason, Cursos El Tiempo, thinking about the needs of people, professionals, entrepreneurs, customer service managers and digital entrepreneurs, presents the Customer Service in the Digital Age course. A course for those who want to expand their knowledge and adapt to new trends.
If you want to learn how to build strategies to attract new customers, know and put into practice journey maps, know what multichannel and omnichannel is, yes or yes you should connect to the classes with the instructor Fernando Pombo who is a professional in business administration and marketing issues.
Now, this course was designed to be taught live, you will be able to interact with the tutor and with other people, in eight virtual sessions. If you want more information about this great opportunity.